Am I really the next Elon Musk?

Preyansh Shah
Marketing in the Age of Digital
4 min readMar 4, 2023

Γειά σου! (Geiá sou- Hello is Greek)

Bond… James Bond 007🕵️‍♂️

No… I am not practicing dialogues from that movies. I am just looking into the mirror posing like Bond because that is how the world sees me according to the test I just took. If not 007, maybe Gordan Ramsay or Elon Musk?

In today’s world, attention is a scarce resource. We are constantly bombarded with information, and it’s becoming harder and harder to stand out. That’s where Sally Hogshead comes in. In her TEDxAtlanta talk titled “How to Fascinate,” Hogshead explores the concept of fascination and how we can use it to be more successful in our personal and professional lives.

Sally Hogshead- Creator of “How to Fascinate”

Hogshead begins her talk by defining fascination. According to her, fascination is an intense emotional focus. When we’re fascinated by something or someone, we’re completely absorbed, and we can’t look away. Hogshead argues that the ability to fascinate is a powerful tool that can help us stand out and be more successful.

TEDxAtlanta — Sally Hogshead — How to Fascinate.

But how do we fascinate? Hogshead says that there are seven key triggers of fascination: Power, Passion, Mystique, Prestige, Alarm, Rebellion, and Trust. Each of these triggers appeals to a different aspect of human psychology, and by understanding them, we can tailor our communication and behavior to better capture people’s attention.

Hogshead goes on to explain each of these triggers in detail, providing examples of how they can be used to fascinate. For example, the power trigger is about taking control and being confident. People who are fascinated by power want to be around leaders and influencers. The passion trigger is about being enthusiastic and expressive. People who are fascinated by passion want to be around people who are passionate about what they do.

Hogshead also emphasizes the importance of finding your own unique combination of triggers. Everyone has a primary trigger and a secondary trigger that they use to fascinate others. By understanding your own triggers, you can focus on your strengths and create a personal brand that sets you apart.

One of the most powerful aspects of Hogshead’s talk is her emphasis on authenticity. She argues that the key to using fascination effectively is to be yourself. When you try to be someone you’re not, you come across as inauthentic and people can see right through it. Instead, Hogshead suggests that we should focus on being the best version of ourselves and leveraging our natural strengths to fascinate others.

I was fortunate enough to get an opportunity to find my unique combination of triggers through the “Fascinate Test”.

Yes! The world sees me as the Royal Gaurd, my Archetype. I was astonished at first but after a little introspection, the results seemed pretty accurate… I share my primary trigger- Mystique with over 19% of the test takers which stands for being Independent, Logical & Observant. Similarly, I share my secondary trigger- Prestige with over 16% of the population representing being Ambitious, Results-Oriented & Respected.

At first, I was perplexed about what these triggers described about me but the test is very intuitive and suggests how to use these triggers wisely to create a personal or brand image. The test also cheers up people who are somewhat not aligned with the results by providing examples of leaders and celebrities with the same triggers.

My Report Overview

I share my triggers with Elon Musk and James Bond! Does that mean, I could be the next Elon Musk? Sure. Hehe!

But you may ask what will I do knowing my trigger?

To answer your question, I would capitalize on my strengths and develop triggers where I might be lacking. For example, While leading a team, I tend to keep the meetings short and to the point. From now onwards, I will try and spell out the details because not everyone gets what I mean. Take a little more time to ensure everyone understands what is required of them. If people don’t fully grasp their tasks, they may disappoint me.

Overall, Sally Hogshead’s TEDxAtlanta talk on “How to Fascinate” is a fascinating exploration of the power of fascination. By understanding the triggers of fascination and focusing on our own unique strengths, we can capture people’s attention and be more successful in our personal and professional lives. If you’re looking to stand out in a crowded world, this talk is definitely worth watching. I would highly suggest you take the How to Fascinate Test.

Until next week, the Royal Guard signing off…




Preyansh Shah
Marketing in the Age of Digital

Weekly blogs related to Marketing Branding, etc. by an NYU Grad student.