Amazon’s Marketing Personalization

Yunhua Chen
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readMay 3, 2021

What is Amazon Personalize?

Amazon Personalization is a machine learning service that makes it easy for developers to add personalized recommendations to customers who use their applications. It reflects Amazon’s vast experience in building personalized systems.

How they use it?

People can use Amazon Personalize in a variety of scenarios, such as giving users recommendations based on their preferences and behavior, personalized re-ranking of results, and personalizing content for emails and notifications.With Amazon Personalize, users can provide active streaming, page reviews, registrations, purchases, and more from the app, as well as items to recommend, such as articles, products, videos, or music. Users can also choose to provide users with additional demographic information that Amazon personalizes, such as age or geographic location.
Amazon Personalize does not require extensive machine learning experience. You can build, train, and deploy a solution version , a trained Amazon Personalize recommendation model is a model that processes and examines data, identifies meaningful content, selects the right algorithms, and trains and optimizes personalized models tailored to data.

How did it help achieve their marketing objectives?

According to the research, With the incredible amount of data at their disposal, Amazon own NO.1 position on behavioral targeting, predictive modelling and personalization in the industries. As a retailer, the goal is to provide consumers with relevant products. Amazon focuses on products they know customers will be interested in buying. Amazon’s personalized technology enables them to know every customer. They can then customize the page for each specific customer. This means Amazon knows exactly what customers are looking at and what to recommend based on their behavior. However, the most important part of their process is that Amazon recommends these products after they are purchased. They are careful not to break the buying mentality so that customers are not at risk of switching or returning products.

The key to their success and dominance in e-commerce lies heavily in the concept of personalized shopping experience

What intrigued you about how this brand is using this?

In addition, the reason that make me intrigued about how they using it is their shopping experience. when you go to Amazon’s homepage you’ll see different sections such as “Related to Items You’ve Viewed,” “Inspired by Your Shopping Trends,” Recommendations for You in..,” etc. I want to know how they build model to collect these data and then get the results.

Therefore, I researched the process of how they get the solutions. The steps below show the process.

  1. Create the S3 bucket
  2. Create the IAM Role
  3. Create dataset group
  4. Create solutions
  5. Create new campaign
  6. Test campaign results


In my opinion. brands will only get better at personalized marketing, so if your company want to compete, as a marketer you should start thinking about it. Use Amazon as an examples to influence your own future campaigns, and for potential customers to set a blazing trail that elicits a greater likelihood of interest, conversion and retention. I believe this trend will to stay and more and more company will use this trend to create personalized marketing campaign for their own.



Yunhua Chen
Marketing in the Age of Digital