Anastasia you like sending out emails

Angela Zhou
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readMar 26, 2023

Email marketing remains a crucial tool for brands in the United States as it enables them to gather potential customers and send targeted emails with special offers to encourage purchases. Email marketing allows brands to segment their target audience and deliver personalized content that resonates with the interests and preferences of each recipient, thus increasing the likelihood of conversion. Additionally, it provides a measurable way for brands to track their campaign’s success and optimize their strategies for better results.

I chose Anastasia as a competitor to research how they are doing. They have similar product and price range of the product.

How was the sign up?

It was easy to sign up for their emails because a registration pop-up appears on the screen when you open their website. However, filling out the information was annoying because it required not only my email address but also my first and last name, date of birth, city of residence, and subscription preferences. Other websites usually only require an email address, so I found it cumbersome.

After I signed up for their emails, I received a welcome email that included a 15% off code and information about free shipping on orders over $25. They did not ask me to verify my email address. The subject lines used attention-grabbing words like “NEW”, “Don’t Miss Out”, “Last Chance”, and “Master”, and most of the images featured their eyebrow and blush products.

How often did they send it to me?

From March 21st to March 26th, I received nine emails from them — on average, one per day, sometimes twice a day. I think the frequency of their emails is quite high — I mostly receive them at noon, with two exceptions between 5–7 pm, and only one email at 9 am. However, I believe they have picked good timing to send out emails since those time slots are when people are not typically working or traveling, increasing the chances of the emails being opened. This is a very good time strategy that they did not just pick a random time to send out emails.

Although they offer a lot of choices for subscription preferences, they always include a special offer code in each email to entice me to spend money. When I clicked on the unsubscribe, very small and at the end of the page, I appreciated the straightforward process of only having to click one button to unsubscribe. Compared to the sign-up process, it was much easier.

Overall, it seems like Anastasia’s sign-up process slightly annoying due to the amount of information required, but they appreciated the frequent special offers and easy unsubscribe process. They also noticed the company’s effective use of attention-grabbing subject lines and timing of emails.

