Anna Q Liang’s Fascinate Test
Who I really am ?
The Fascinate Test is an online examination that helps people to discover themselves in terms of passion, innovation, alert, etc. There are about 28 questions, and people will know how the world sees them after answering those questions.
Before taking the test, I was a little thrilled by the name “Fascinate Test”. To me, the word “Fascinate” refers to something very exciting and mysterious. After taking the test, I received my result.
Overall, the world sees me as a detective.
According to the report, the archetype refers to the combination of one’s primary and secondary advantages. Primary advantage refers to the most effective mode of communication, which is the most fascinating and influential. Based on the result, my primary advantage drives by alerts. This means whenever there’s an emergence, I will show my most effective mode of communication.
The report says that my archetype is the detective. As a detective, the world sees me as a person who examine each detail, consider response carefully, keep my thoughts to myself, express my emotions conservatively, focus on quantitative information, and carefully analyze data before making decisions.
Do I feel true to my result ?
I’m pretty satisfied with my result. I used to major in political science at my undergraduate school, and political science required rational and logical ways of thinking. I remember writing a lot of political paper for my undergraduate classes. Most of my paper assignments require dialectical analysis, which means I have to take a stand for a particular viewpoint or issue and analyze accordingly. For example, I had an assignment that wanted me to analyze if Donald Trump was going to win the election of 2020. Hence, I wrote the paper in the format of a letter and explained why I thought Trump could win the election based on his ex-wives and family members’ opinions of him. It is necessary for me to pay attention to every detail, consider my analyzation carefully, and express my emotions conservatively to write a good political paper. Therefore, my personality does contain some basic characteristics of a detective.
However, everyone has two sides. The other side of me is very emotional and sensitive. I often watch Japanese anime during my extracurricular time. I’ve never read Sherlock Holmes before but I always watch a Japanese anime — Detective Conan. From Detective Conan, I acknowledged that a detective could also be a good violin player. The complete personality of a detective is the combination of reason and perception.
The perceptual part of me is abundant. I enjoy playing music instruments. I used to play the piano when I was young, and I passed both the ABRSM (The Associated Board of The Royal School of Music) 5th level music theory examination and the SMA (Shanghai Musicians Association) 4th level piano performance examination. Other than piano, I also enjoy Ebru marbling art and Chinese calligraphy. Ebru marbling art is a form of Turkish art that require painters to paint on water, which requires vivid imagination. After all, I think a detective perfectly describes my overall personality.
What do I think about the fascinate test as a marketer ?
Since the fascinate test helps a person better understands him or herself, it also helps a company better understands the personality of its customer. As the marketer of an online company, I would let each customer take the fascinate test as a survey. This would help us categorize our customers, which provides the company with some guidances in creating new products and services.