Apple Watch: The future of health is on your wrist

Wenjing Gu
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readJun 6, 2022

As we all know, Apple is the most popular brand in the world. According to the research, there are about 1 billion people use iPhones worldwide. People I know are all using Apple products, and I am also one of the big fans of Apple. I have been using Apple products since my high school years.

Why choose Apple?

Why are people choosing Apple? As a consumer, I think the most attractive point for me to choose Apple is the iOS system. The system of Apple is very simple and easy for people to use, especially for students and business people. Although Apple products sometimes lag when we use them for some years, I would still choose it. The usage year of Macbooks are longer than I expected, they can be used for 6 years. Also, the iPad, Macbook, iPhone, and iWatch, and these products all have connections. I have all of these products. I think it is very easy to read messages on the iWatch which is connected to the iPhone during the workout.

iWatch Series 7 Ads and what information does it bring to us?

Apple Watch can do what your other devices can’t because it’s on your wrist. When you wear it, you get a fitness partner that measures all the ways you move, meaningful health insights, and a connection to the people and things you care about most. And it’s always just a glance away

After watching the ads, it will bring people energy and power while they are watching and will inspire them to use the iWatch during any exercise. The iWatch series 7 ads bring people good images of what features it has. For example, it can be used during any exercises and it also can detect the heartbeat of people while they are biking. Also, iWatch series 7 can also be worn while surfing and it can detect the waves people get. For people who love working out and people who love outdoor activities will be attracted to the ads.

Feeling about the iwatch series 7 ads

After watching the ads, I was inspired by the advertisement and I bought an iwatch the day after I watched the ads. The reason I bought it is because I am a sporty person, and I really like to work out. The iWatch could bring me convenience while I’m doing exercises. I can check how many calories I burned during the workout. Also, I can wear the watch during swimming and record how many laps I swimmed. Apple watch make me a self-disciplined person.



Wenjing Gu
Marketing in the Age of Digital

NYU Integrated Marketing, International Student