Apple’s AR Magic: Revolutionizing Customer Experience or Just a Gimmick?

Xiaoman Hu
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min read1 day ago

Apple has always been in the forefront in integrating cutting-edge technology into their products and marketing strategies. In the last one year, it has taken a bolder step to dive deeper into Augmented Reality (AR), creating a unique and immersive experience for her customers. But is this just another marketing gimmick, or is Apple actually revolutionizing customer experience?

The Inside Story: How Apple is Using Augmented Reality to Enhance Your Experience

Apple’s drive in AR does not stop at its product features but stretches to its market operations and interactions with customers. One outstanding example of this is the AR feature in the Apple Store app that allows customers to see how an iPhone or MacBook would look like on their desks before they buy one. This “See It in Your Space” applies AR to provide users’ device camera with a way of projecting 3D models of the item into reality. This makes it possible for clients to have an idea about the item as they are familiarized with the environment.

Another important application of augmented reality by apple is during their events. At launch times of new products, apple brought AR where it was incorporated making presentations more exciting and informative. From home, viewers could see a 3D model of the new product on their devices, explore its features and get acquainted with its design and functionality interactively.

Measuring Success: How Apple’s AR Strategy Achieved Their Marketing Objectives

Integration of AR has had a significant impact on Apple’s marketing objectives. Initially, it has enhanced customer experience during product explorations which have become more interactive and engaging than ever before. According to Deloitte report, 40% consumers are willing to pay more for products they can try using Augmented Reality (AR).This goes hand in hand with Apple’s premium pricing strategy where high end products gain additional value.

In addition, through AR, Apple attained higher customer satisfaction and reduced return rates. When customers can visualize products in their own space, they are more confident about their purchases. Retail Perceptions noted that 61% of shoppers would rather buy from stores with AR, and 40% would be willing to pay more if they could first experience them through AR.

The Future of Marketing: Is Investing in Augmented Reality a Smart Move?

From my perspective, Augmented Reality is certainly a trend that is worth investing in particularly for a tech giant like Apple. The potential benefits far outweigh the initial investment costs. Not only does AR enhance customer experience but also drives engagement, increases sales and reduces return rates. Success depends on constant improvement and addressing any technical hitches that may crop up.

Furthermore, as AR technology advances, it will become more accessible and integrated into everyday life. Apple has shown its commitment to this technology by recent acquisitions and R&D investments.

In conclusion

To cap it all off, the use of AR by Apple in marketing strategy has proved effective at enhancing customer experience as well as achieving marketing objectives set by the company. Although there are challenges ahead, the potential for AR to change how we shop and interact with products is enormous. I eagerly await future innovations in this area from Apple and others as an enthusiast of digital marketing.



Xiaoman Hu
Marketing in the Age of Digital

A marketing enthusiast pursuing a Master in Integrated Marketing at NYU!