Apple’s Lack of Storytelling…

Penghao Zhang
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readSep 25, 2022
iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Pro

As I am sure you have all seen, tech giant Apple has announced their new line of iPhones, watches, and headphones at their headquarters in Cupertino. However, as usual, Apple has neglected to provide a story behind their product, however, their lack of a story leaves their product open for interpretation. With a device such as the iPhone, the Apple Watch, or their headphones, it is the consumers' decision as to what they do with that product. Instead, Apple showcases the many ways this product can be used, while also focusing on design elements. Their marketing tactics are seamless throughout platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, Youtube, and their main website. You will find a link to their iPhone advertisement on Youtube.

Simplicity at the highest level…

Apple’s campaign for the iPhone 14 has been seamless as stated before. The link above does not provide a backstory, but instead, tries to intertwine the product with the user's personal story, focusing on the basics. The overall aesthetic of the advertisement is appealing to the eye, and the music brings an energy of excitement, which certainly catches your attention. What engaged me as a viewer and potential user is the creative design of the product and its many features. Apple leaves the product open to interpretation. With the release of several versions, there is a phone for every type of lifestyle. While watching, you are able to make the conscious decision on your own whether or not this product will fit into your lifestyle, and what uses it may have in your daily life.

Features, Features, and More Features

Apple’s focus on features may not tell a story, but they certainly attract customers’ attention. Their product design draws you in without reliance on storytelling, and instead, lays itself bare so that you may see all it has to offer. This fits the overall brand message of Apple “Think Different”. Through their advertisements, Apple hopes we can have our own opinions and ideas about their product. It is a canvas on which we can write and tell our own stories, and their advertisement iterates that. With a focus on features; and might a say, a whole lot of them, Apple is able to create content for this product that can be shared anywhere seamlessly, without any discrepancy in understanding, Apple has ingeniously found a way to gain recognition for their product just through imagery alone, which is a feat in of itself.

Is their content shareable?

Based on seeing their advertisements for the iPhone 14 spread across all social media, I think that the content they have generated is very much shareable. In some advertisements they may just post images of the phone, in others, snippets from their larger keynote are shared. Overall, Apple has been successful in their campaign for the iPhone 14 and their other products, as they are still sold out two weeks past the initial order date. So I guess it is safe to say that despite a concrete story, Apple’s marketing techniques and brand recognition have paid off.

Works Cited

Apple. 7th Sept. 2022. “Introducing iPhone 14 Pro”. Youtube.

Apple. 25th Sept. 2022. “iPhone 14”. Apple.

Victory, Ihejieto. (30th May. 2022). “APPLE BRAND AND LOYALTY: Creating a Brand the Apple Way”. Business Yield.



Penghao Zhang
Marketing in the Age of Digital

Current Marketing Major at NYU. Originally from China. Looking forward to blogging this semester.