Are There Limitations for AI Marketing?

Yanying Mao
Marketing in the Age of Digital


Recently, there has been a lot of talk about how artificial intelligence will change the future of business and our lives. One trend we seem to see is that of all the emerging technologies, artificial intelligence seems to have taken its place at the top table. So as a marketer, how should we understand the future of artificial intelligence under the business form and marketing?

Source: GIPHY

What Can AI Do?

1. Accurately locate target audiences and gain insight into consumer demand.

In terms of marketing strategies, artificial intelligence can make accurate and personalized judgments through data analysis of users’ behavior habits, age, education, consumption habits, social characteristics, etc., so as to obtain more accurate portraits of target users and insight into the real needs of consumers.

2. Customized personalized marketing strategy, intelligent optimization strategy.

The audience portrait built on artificial intelligence and insight into consumer needs to provide strategic advice to marketers, who can easily create targeted advertising series. In addition, artificial intelligence can also recommend appropriate delivery channels, optimize delivery strategies, and predict the conversion effect after delivery, which can really help advertisers improve ROI.

3. Fast output of structured and standardized content.

Artificial intelligence can also be applied in content production. Based on data analysis and information processing, it can achieve automatic AI output of standardized copywriting, design elements, graphics posters, etc., and quickly enter into the launching process.

AI allows marketers to better understand the sales cycle and correlate their strategies and spending with sales results. AI driven insights can also help break the data silos and allow marketing and sales to collaborate more. Marketing is more analytical and quantitative than ever, and a good CMO should know which metrics and KPIs to track and why these factors fluctuate.

More importantly, machine learning and artificial intelligence are now the technologies that CMO and its teams need to take the lead. A good CMO will balances the quantitative intensity of marketing with the qualitative factors that make an enterprise’s brand and customer experience unique. Also, CMO drives better results by learning more about when, where, and how potential customers make purchase decisions.

My Thoughts

Source: GIPHY

Today, with the development of artificial intelligence, as long as it can be structured knowledge, it will be replaced by machine learning. So this time, the source of value creation is people’s creativity. There is a lot of links, even machine intelligence itself depends on the person’s creativity. Such as the starting point of data intelligent scene, who can creatively think out how a new scene can be online, digital, then itself is a great breakthrough.

This is good for both business and customers. Our brains no longer have to grind through data and numbers to reach a conclusion. In fact, AI will free human brains to do more creative work. The failure rate in the execution process will be reduced, and the customer focus will also be greatly improved.



Yanying Mao
Marketing in the Age of Digital

Currently live in NYC | Graduate student of NYU | Integrated Marketing | All the good things are running towards you🌟