Better SEO — Better Digital Marketing

Hannah Yang
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readApr 16, 2023

EO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It’s the process of optimizing your website and its content to increase its visibility and ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs)

How Does SEO Work?

When someone types a query into a search engine like Google, the search engine’s algorithm determines which web pages to display in the SERP based on a variety of factors, including relevance, authority, and user experience. SEO involves optimizing your website and its content to improve these factors, so that search engines are more likely to display your website in the top results when someone searches for keywords related to your business or industry.

SEO benefits

Search engine optimization is an essential marketing activity to make a website or business visible on the web. But it also provides several other benefits to companies.

1. Provides a competitive advantage

When good SEO is deployed consistently, those that do it more and better will outrank the competition. Many businesses feel they cannot afford to not be on the first page of a search result. But if a team works toward that goal and shows ahead of the competition, they will have a competitive edge.

2. Reaches more people

SEO helps attract any user with intent at any time, regardless of phase of the customer journey that user is in. It relies on keywords and phrases to attract audiences to specific products and services. Businesses can create a list of keywords for which they would like to rank, then build content around those keywords.

3. Supports content marketing

By having a list of keywords to rank for and building content around those keywords, users are more likely to find the information they seek. Content and SEO work in harmony with each other. A site will rank better by creating useful, high-quality content that is optimized for those keywords. Ensuring the keywords are present in headings, meta descriptions and the body of the content will improve rankings for those terms.

4. Ranks better in local searches

The use of local searches are becoming more common, with users looking for products or services “near me.” To improve listings in these searches, a company can create a Google My Business account and optimize the listing for local searches. Along with that and the localized content on the website, a user will be more likely to see local search results in their queries.

5. Relatively inexpensive

To have an effective SEO strategy, companies need to invest in the time and resources to be effective. There are companies that can be hired as SEO experts to manage the strategies, but companies with the right team in place can do it themselves.

6. Get quantifiable results

There are tools and analytics data that can be tapped into to measure the effectiveness of SEO efforts. Google Analytics can provide comprehensive data around organic traffic. Data includes pages that customers engaged with and keywords used in search. That data can then be cross-referenced with intended actions taken to see how SEO played a role in customer engagement or acquisition.

After reading the benefits, here are some tips for you work with SEO better, please review and execute with SEO!

Get instructions and better SEO — Hannah Yang

Get yourself better with SEO, you would gain more profits and higher revenue!



Hannah Yang
Marketing in the Age of Digital

Marketing with Digital emphasis in University of Georgia - Marketing in Data Analysis in NYU - Lots of marketing, music, food, self-discipline, and better self