BluePrint Cleanse’s Practices on User Experience

Coco Song
Marketing in the Age of Digital
4 min readMar 1, 2020

Wellness juices have been a trend for years, and you must have seen celebrities and influencers toting that BluePrint green bottle on your social media a thousand times. BluePrint is one of the most known juice cleanse brand, and we know their juices have lined up on the shelves of grocery stores for some time, but what does their website look like?

Being Functional is not enough! The mobile strategy is the key

Now with everything going digital, brands are going to great lengths to improve website user experience. It’s 2020, and being functional is just not enough for being user-friendly. eMarketer says we are spending almost 4 hours with mobile, and this number probably already tells you how important responsive web design is.

How is BluePrint doing on the responsiveness?

Pretty good. Think about it; when do you usually look for some pressed juice? Probably after an intense workout, and you don’t go to gyms with your laptop! People use their smartphones to search for juice bars near me. Switching to my smartphone from the laptop, the image changes to better fit the screen. Representing their brand personality of health, balance, and wellness, they use a lot of fresh colors like blue, yellow, and green, and overall the website does not look cluttered at all on a mobile screen. The 25% off message got all my attention immediately when I open the site, right below the logo. Scrolling down, the three-columns layout on the laptop automatically change to two columns on mobile devices, giving me a very clear view of the products listed as well as the short description. Very clean, very simple.

Sometimes searching is just painful when switching from laptop version to a mobile version (the search box does not zoom in to fit the screen, typing gets clumsy,etc.). With BluePrint, searching on your phone is as easy as searching on a laptop. Also, you could locate the filter option right away because it comes up as with your search result, and it is easy to apply. This combination just simplifies the shopping experience of both returning customers (because they know exactly what they want) and satisfiers (customers who choose the first product that meets his or her needs) to make relevant choices and purchasing decisions!

The only thing BluePrint needs to watch out is that they seem to forget the cleansing tips section on their mobile version website. After all, people can’t possibly happen to have their laptops with them to check out what food they should reintroduce during meals at the post-cleanse phase. Again, brands should never forget to make mobile experience a priority.

Personalize with a three-click quiz

There is no right juice for everyone; there is only juice right for you. Everyone’s got a different taste, and this makes personalization the key to winning a customer’s heart for juice brands. No matter a first-timer or not, it takes you no more than three clicks to find out which BluePrint Cleanse suits you the best. And the best part is that you don’t even have to open an account to personalize. Filling out all these forms sometimes just distracts your attention from the product itself, and the “sign up to see” bothers me all the time: what if I sign up and find out that I’m not interested at all! BluePrint’s personalization without sign-up is just human, and it is very user-centered. It is like saying try us yourself, if you like us, sign up. The quiz not only gives you personalization but it also intuitively leads you to conversion. Very smart.

Here are some cleansing tips to you

BluePrint is known for the juice-cleanse products, which are believed to help people lose weight, clear up the skin, etc. On their website, the brand also gives out cleansing tips to help you prepare for the cleanse, like what to eat and how to reintroduce foods after cleanse. These tips could be informational and educative for people who already make their minds to take a juice-cleanse. However, the brand should not ignore potential customers who are still hesitating whether or not to give juice-cleanse a shot. In general, there is not very much content shown on the website, and a quiz is certainly not enough to lead to conversions. Maybe blogs or articles talking about the benefits of juice cleansing or having people sharing their journey and experience of juice cleansing can make the website content more engaging. Building a community with customers around the products is always an excellent choice to attract new customers, and it helps generate more inspirational and entertaining content, which is good for your SEO. Also, hesitaters could use these positive-oriented comments from returning customers to carry on with their purchasing process.

So here are some takeaways from looking at BluePrint’s website:
Never forget to put mobile experience at the top priority.
Personalization is the draw.
Incorporate with content that brings entertainment and engagement.



Coco Song
Marketing in the Age of Digital

Life starts at the end of your comfort zone. Graduate @ NYU