Can I disinfect xxx?

Yuan Ge
Marketing in the Age of Digital
2 min readJul 12, 2024

Today in class we talked about COVID-19 being back, and a few of my classmates got infected, so I checked out some information on sanitation. Because of personalized recommendations, I saw this advertisement. I think it is a good advertisement from my perspective, so I will use my knowledge of digital media to discuss this advertisement.

Fit the brand story or not

First of all, what is Clorox’s brand story? Their brand is rooted in the idea of providing effective cleaning and disinfecting solutions to improve people’s lives by ensuring a healthier and cleaner environment. We can see that the scenes in this advertisement are all scenes of daily life and home, which is in line with the brand story of improving life. At the same time, this advertisement was released during the COVID-19 period, which is in line with the brand story of effective disinfection methods. The message that Clorox wants to convey to customers is that they want to make the planet healthier for everyone, in every corner of the world, with clean air, pure water, and unpolluted places where we live, work, and play. The scenes in this advertisement are exactly the scenes we encounter in our daily lives, and they are also the hygiene issues that many people are worried about during the COVID-19 pandemic. Although this advertisement is only 15 seconds long, I think it conveys the brand story and message to the audience.

Why am I engaged?

I am a very loyal short video viewer, and according to research, short videos have become the mainstream trend in the current market. Research showed that 73% of consumers prefer short videos when searching for products or services, and the engagement of short videos is 2.5 times that of long videos. The length of this ad is a standard YouTube ad length. Although this ad has no storyline and simply gives me information, its content has already told me everything about the product and reminds me of real-life scenarios. At the end of the ad, it also shows that it can kill the COVID-19 virus. This just meets the needs of most viewers and me during the epidemic. At the same time, I also think that this ad is suitable for sharing. According to a survey by Stratus, 83% of people have retained their cleaning habits during the epidemic. This ad is only 15 seconds long, so viewers can quickly understand the product’s function and usage scenarios. So I think this ad is suitable for sharing.


Overall, I think this Clorox ad is very concise and clear. The viewer doesn’t need to waste a lot of time to understand the product’s function, and it also reminds the viewer of scenes in their own lives. Especially during and after the epidemic, everyone’s awareness of cleanliness has increased significantly. At the same time, I hope that readers who read this blog can pay more attention to their health in life. See you in my next blog.



Yuan Ge
Marketing in the Age of Digital

NYU Integrated Marketing student. Learing Now!!!