Chase Your Passion Not Your Pension

Eva Khanpara
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readMar 8, 2023
Life of an innovative thinker

I’m sure I am not the only one when I say that I DO NOT like personality tests. I don’t need an AI-based goof to ask me questions and then determine my personality (sorry not sorry makers of these tests!). However, as much as I dislike them, each personality test I have taken so far has some truth to it if not a lot.

When my professor Joanne Tombrakos first said the words “personality test” I thought here we go again. She said the Fascinate Test isn’t like any other test (yeah right!). However, I was pleasantly surprised with the Fascinate Test because it actually was like no other. (haha the joke’s on me). The test determines my areas of strength but what is Fascinating (haha get it? fascinate — fascinating! Okay I’ll stop), is that it also gave me suggestions and scenarios in a work setting where it can really help me. It is a test that teaches you how to take advantage of your perceived values.

Revealing the Hidden Talents: My Prototype

My prototype is The Catalyst (catalyst for disasters? Sure!). Which means I have a primary and secondary advantage of Passion and Innovation. According to the test, an intervention between Passion and Innovation is what makes a Catalyst. I wouldn’t say I am surprised by the results. I am a passionate person and I am very creative and rules that cage my creativity makes me uncomfortable (someone famous once said, rules are meant to be broken!).

Hidden Talents Deeper Dive: My Archetype

Passion and Innovation — My road to Success

Passion: This is my primary advantage. When I am passionate about something and use that to communicate, I am at my most influential and inspirational. It also boosts my confidence because I am not trying to communicate in a method that is unfamiliar to me.

Innovation: This is my secondary advantage. When I use innovation as a form of communication I am most likely to motivate and persuade others (basically, use innovation to get what I want. Joking!). This is so accurate to my personality because I love thinking outside the box. I am someone that will always think of an unusual way of doing things/problem-solving. The test predicted quite accurately that I would be miserable in a work environment that boxes my creativity (little does the test know I have been there done that and learned my lesson).

Also lists how the world sees me

How Will I Turn These Into Assets

My passionate and innovative advantages that describe my outgoing, creative, and enthusiastic personality are conducive to content creation. I am assured that I picked the correct career for me because, to me, marketing is all about thinking outside of the box to stand out in the clutter.

My Thoughts

I was pleasantly surprised first, at the length of the test. It wasn’t long at all (thank god). Second, I was surprised at the accuracy of the results. The test also told me that my least effective method of communication is Mystique and I agree (mystique is definitely not one of my strong suits). My prototype and archetypes did not come as a surprise to me however, I was surprised to see the accuracy with which the test picked up on those. This test definitely changed my opinion about personality tests! If any of you want to take the test head to the How to Fascinate Website.

If you do take the test then be sure to comment and share your thoughts with me!

Bonus: The creator of this test is Sally Hogshead and she explains the concept of “how to fascinate” and everything about the test and its results in a fascinating Ted Talk.



Eva Khanpara
Marketing in the Age of Digital

"Always seeking adventures". A marketing enthusiast pursuing a Master in Integrated Marketing at NYU!