Chatbots and Amazon

Rachel Dong
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readDec 5, 2021

Chatbots chat with computers through dialogue or text chat, allowing humans to interact with digital devices as if they were communicating with real people. The experience is very much like chatting with your friends on the computer. Driven by AI, automated rules, natural-language processing (NLP), and machine learning (ML), chatbots process data to deliver responses to requests of all kinds.

Chat bots can imitate conversations with humans. Chat bots are now slowly being used by many businesses because they can help mutual companies save the cost of manual customer service and accelerate the speed of customer service. In fact, it’s not just a business, there may be many chat bots in your life, such as Apple’s Siri, Windows 10 asks what help you need today, and Amazon’s customer service chat bot. Amazon’s customer service quality has always been well-reputed. In order to handle more customer service needs, their chatbots are very good.

How are they using it?
Buying things online or in physical stores is very simple, but when any problems arise, it can be a long process to get a solution. However, Amazon does not want this kind of problem to occur, so Amazon has developed their chatbots to help consumers solve problems and save each other’s time. Because chatbots can improve operational efficiency, save costs for enterprises, and provide convenience and additional services for internal employees and external customers. They enable companies to easily resolve multiple types of customer queries and problems while reducing the need for human interaction.

Consumers can get 24-hour customer service through the “contact us” on the web and App. In fact, the processing time for an order may not exceed 30 seconds. We only need to find the order page and answer some simple questions. The chatbot will deal with the consumer’s response, such as return, re-delivery, exchange, etc. The whole process is very fast. Personally, I like this feature very much because it is much more efficient than regular telephone services.

How did it help achieve their marketing objectives?
High customer satisfaction has always been the goal pursued by Amazon. Word of mouth is a marketing method, and when consumers feel frustrated because of an order issue, they will also feel happy because the problem is solved. As a result, consumers will be more likely to become loyal users. Moreover, Amazon is a diversified shopping site, and consumers can customize the language they want to avoid language problems. A chatbot, it can make Amazon’s customer satisfaction higher. For Amazon, it also saves a lot of costs.

What intrigued you about how this brand is using this?
For me, this feature has helped me a lot. I am an international student, currently studying in the United States. When I first arrived in the United States, my spoken English was very shy and confused. I bought a lot of things on Amazon in the first week, but I did not receive these products. As a result, I had the first experience of contacting Amazon customer service. Since I don’t want to make a phone call to get service, I stumbled upon the “chat bot” feature. I used it, and it only asked a few very simple questions. Finally, he asked me if I wanted to return the product. I entered “yes”, and my question was dealt with. I was shocked by this. The convenience it gave me was not only because of the speed, but also because it took care of my barriers at the time.

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Rachel Dong
Marketing in the Age of Digital

A Chinese girl studies in NYC, love marketing and love creative thinking.