ChatGPT and the Content Revolution: How AI Is Disrupting Traditional Writing and Marketing Practices

Cindy Wang
Marketing in the Age of Digital
5 min readFeb 20, 2023

What Exactly is ChatGPT

On November 30, 2022, OpenAI launched a conversational artificial intelligence service called ChatGPT.

It is a free, publicly accessible tool. Although as of February 1, there is now a paid subscription version called ChatGPT Plus.

ChatGPT uses natural language processing tools to extract information from the web to answer search queries and even full content requests. Unlike search engines, the answers it provides you with are original. That means it doesn’t just copy and paste from elsewhere on the web, but it refines that information into its own conversational language.

So what exactly does ChatGPT do? The short answer is that it can not only search and consult information, but it can also chat back and forth with users, and even help with coding, copywriting, graphics, and more.

ChatGPT took off almost overnight. Within five days, it had reached one million users. By comparison, it took Facebook about 10 months to reach 1 million users.

Within five days, it had reached one million users

The most obvious reality is that: there is a human need for AI services.

Whose Cake did it Cut?

Bill Gates said that the emergence of this AI technology is as historically significant as the birth of the Internet and the personal computer.

Musk also said it was scary good.

Baidu is anxious, Google is anxious, and Apple is anxious too.

Both Google and Microsoft have taken notice. On February 6, Google announced the launch of its own conversational AI service, called “Bard”. Google promised to make it available for everyone in the coming weeks. And just a day later, Microsoft launched its own new version of Bing, powered by AI.

Mildly Terrifying…. …but Compelling

First let’s watch a video.

ChatGPT Writes a Mint Mobile Ad

The fact that ChatGPT knew what kind of humor Ryan is known for and wrote a similar script, is kind of terrifying.

Next, I tried to get ChatGPT to do some structured writing.

Store visit copy: You went to Starbucks on Valentine’s Day, ordered “Pink Drink” and added Chocolate Cream Cold Foam to it. The message should be lively and use emoji as appropriate, and can be spread on Yelp.

Tagline: Can you give me some suggestions for the “Jollibee” tagline?

Write a video script for a product review: I am an Apple marketing employee, can you write a Youtube video script for our iPhone 14 pro? Mention product features and functions, advantages and values, target users and markets, use cases and experiences, and customer testimonials and reviews.

Event plan: Can you write a promotional copy for a company event to watch Super Bowl together?

Blog name: I want to write a blog about the impact of ChatGPT on content trends, can you help me with some names?

Will it Eliminate the Work of Marketers?

ChatGPT is not perfect.

  • Outdated Information: Also, all data provided by ChatGPT is from 2021. If marketers don’t double-check, they could be releasing inaccurate, outdated, biased, and false information to the public. This can greatly reduce users’ distrust of the brand. This problem may improve in the future.
  • Not Humane and Smooth Enough: The content produced by ChatGPT may not be human and smooth enough.

But there is no doubt that it affects the graphic and short video marketing methods in digital marketing, and also affects the efficiency of marketers’ content production.

  • A Powerful Starting Point for Content Creations: Some trivial set of words of copywriting actions, or the process of finding inspirational material reference can be replaced. As we can feel from the dialogues above, ChatGPT help us draft blog headlines, campaign proposals or grassroots marketing, and provide inspiring content.
  • More Targeted Brand Content: With the unleashing of marketing content productivity and the formation of the AI assistant information portal, this also makes it possible for brand marketing with a thousand faces to really come to life. Each user’s ChatGPT is their personal information assistant, able to know their product preferences and aesthetic preferences, which means it will retrieve and filter more targeted brand content.
  • Inspire Innovative Strategies and Ideas: These content libraries help marketers spend less time on the nitty-gritty, which gives them a vast amount of information on different areas and topics to inspire innovative strategies and ideas.

The power of ChatGPT lies in its near-unlimited learning capacity. With the constant training of a huge corpus, it will become more aware of the real world, which will give a strong sense of crisis to some ordinary people who are not very outstanding in all aspects.

ChatGPT definitely will bring about a sea change in the entire marketing ecosystem. However, I believe the arrival of it is more about providing marketers with a tool to drive progress, rather than easily replace the work of marketers.

Marketers can not be easily replaced!

The core of content is to create a relationship with the audience, based on trust and credibility. Marketers will always need to manually add more specific logic, details, creative thinking and judgment to integrate their content into their own perspectives, stories and tones.



Cindy Wang
Marketing in the Age of Digital

2024 Masters in Integrated Marketing Candidate at NYU |Storyteller|Digital Marketing| Dreamer hitting the road