Clinique Creates Clinical Reality Diagnostic Tool to Drive Sales

Anna Zhao
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readJul 4, 2021

What are some of your favorite skincare brands? There are so many different brands out there that specialize in skincare beauty and makeup. Today I want to share some of my experience and what I’ve found out while growing up.

Since I was a little girl, I watched my mom using different skincare and make-up to prepare herself before going out for different occasions. The funny thing is my mom always tried to teach me how to apply these skincare products when I was younger, but I was never too interested in them. My mom was one of those moms who did not allow me to wear makeup until I was 18 and older BUT she always nagged about taking care of my skin while young to set a good foundation for the future. Both my grandma and my mom have super nice and smooth skin not just naturally, they really cared about what products to use. My mom always liked Olay, Estée Lauder, Lancôme and Clinique. These well-known personal care brands have been around for quite some time now.

Clinique’s Skin Care Basics Set

One of the brands I remembered the most is Clinique since we often travel back to Taiwan. My mom will purchase the “yellow bottle” moisturizing lotion at the duty-free stores and gift them to our friends and family in Taiwan. They love this product a lot and always happy to receive it. In the past, we had to go to physical stores to test out these skincare products but now these big brands are evolving and implemented many technologies to support the brand and drive sales. Clinique is not any different. I really loved how they quickly shifted their directions into applying virtual services, AR/VR to their brand to create useful tools for their customers. One of its diagnostic tools is the tool I like to share with you if you didn’t know about it.

Clinical Reality is Clinique’s diagnostic tool yet the most accurate according to them. It starts with a snap and it will do a 30-second skin analysis based on the photo. All you have to do is scan the QR code with your mobile device to get started. It is really cool, just one scan will be able to tell you a lot about your skin and provide you with recommendations and matching products that fit your analysis. Clinique can plot over 80 data points on your face against models built on 50+ years of skincare expertise and 1+ million face scans. “Using these diagnostics as a guide translates your results into customized skincare recommendations.” How amazing is that? Not only it gives you a detailed recommendation, but it can also show you what your skin looks like AFTER weeks of products used so you have something to look forward to.

Besides this tool, they also provide other virtual services to teach you about your skin, what ingredients used, dermatologist recommendations, and more. These virtual services not only provided more convenient ways for people that need them, but they also opened up a new trend for the skincare industry. To conclude, I believe Clinique is still one of the leading brands in the personal care industry, and it's definitely worth learning from some of the newer skincare brands that are launched in recent years. Are there any brands you like and recommend? Happy to hear your thoughts!



Anna Zhao
Marketing in the Age of Digital

Creative Marketer, MS’ 22 Integrated Marketing student & Grad Student Council - Social Media Chair @ NYU SPS. I love pets, travel, food, and wine!