Combine data and humanity to create more possibilities

Marketing in the Age of Digital
4 min readApr 7, 2020

Can data solve any problems?

With the development of science and technology, more and more science and technology products have penetrated life. People have begun to rely on the use of technology and technology to solve problems. People are looking for data support before making any choices and decisions. This is not a bad idea, but it is not a good idea when people only focus on data and ignore things other than data. In my integrated marketing class last semester, the professor impressed me with a sentence: Data is not a solution, data is only to help people find solutions.

How does data help companies solve problems?

In Professor Tobaccowala’s lecture, he mentioned that when he started writing <Restoring the soul of business>, he was also looking for data to analyze the current average sales of non-fiction business books. When he got the answer that the average sales volume of 3000–5000 books, he did not directly determine that the sales prospects of this category are not good, but deeply analyzed what this data represents, to decide how to change his storyline in response to the problem.

One of the companies that combines data well with storytelling is Southwest Airlines. Although Southwest Airlines provides low-cost airline services, it has created tremendous success in this industry. Southwest Airlines used the data to select faster turnaround airports and lower-cost fuel providers. It also used storytelling to integrate company culture and unite company employees. It is this combination of data and storytelling that allows Southwest Airlines to differentiate itself from its competitors. In the current society, data is indeed the foundation, just like electricity. Still, you can’t get a unique development through how to make better use of data, like a better use of electricity.

Not only about the company, But also about you and me.

In Professor Tobaccowala’s lecture, he also mentioned that business is not just a company. Everyone can be their own business. The combination of data and storytelling can also be applied to everyone. Professor Tobaccowala believes that the development of mental operating system is crucial, which is the most important way to distinguish himself from others. To upgrade the mental operating system, people need to keep learning and continue to accept new things. Second, learn to stand on the opposite side of your thinking. Only in this way can you know whether what you insist on is true.

In the future, the company will work for talents rather than talents serving the company. It is a perfect time to reinvent yourself during the period of being forced to be home now because of the coronavirus. Through the establishment of new habits, you become a better talent, to further self-development and promote company development.

What is my opinion?

In my opinion, marketing is not just about buying things, doing promotions, and designing advertisements, but about the dialogue between companies and consumers, and the dialogue between people. Many companies focus on the design of web pages, the development and apps, and the exquisite and unique packaging, but forget that consumers are the ones that should be the most concerned. In my life experience, I once browsed a website for renting clothes. It is undeniable that the design of this website is very exquisite. But what attracts me most is that this company aims to satisfy every consumer’s “Cinderella” dream, and publishes many consumers’ fantastic clothing experiences on the website. It is believed that when establishing the website, they must have used data analysis to understand the current market, but at the same time, they will not forget to use storytelling to contact each consumer.

Just as people have left and right brains, for any business, they should also have left and right brains. Rational data analysis plus emotional storytelling can better support development. Even with the development of artificial intelligence today, scientists are also striving to exert more human influence in the field of technological intelligence. This is the future.



Marketing in the Age of Digital

From BeiJing, China | Currently live in NewYork | Integrated Marketing Program of Nyu | Travel and Music | Love And Peace