Dancing into Hearts: Haidilao’s Service Excellence and TikTok Fame

Lauren Hu
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min read2 days ago

Some time ago, a video went viral on TikTok featuring a Haidilao employee dancing “Kemu San” (Kemu San is a dance originating from Guangxi Province, China, known for its catchy moves and music that quickly gained popularity online). As soon as the video was posted, it became an explosive topic, further boosting the already popular “Kemu San” dance. Haidilao branches quickly introduced the “Kemu San” dance performance service, leveraging the viral effect to attract a large number of customers. This made me ponder: for customers, is it the service or the food that ultimately makes them choose a restaurant?

The Haidilao employee and manager are dancing Kemusan

Service-Oriented Brand Philosophy

Since its inception, Haidilao has been renowned for its exceptional service. While customers wait for their tables, they are offered free fruit platters, drinks, and even manicure services. During the meal, the staff ties aprons for the customers, replenishes the hotpot broth and drinks promptly, and meets all service requests. After the meal, they even give out free snacks and toys. Haidilao goes to great lengths to serve customers from the moment they step into the restaurant until they leave, sparing no expense to please them.

Haidilao’s founder, Zhang Yong, once said, “If customers are happy with their dining experience, they will praise the taste. If they feel neglected, they will say it tastes bad. Service affects customers’ taste perception.”

Hotpot? My Favorite!

Honestly, I was first drawn to Haidilao because of its service. I saw customers sharing their experiences on TikTok and Weibo, with overwhelming positive reviews, praising the “royal” treatment they received at Haidilao. If you’re worried about social anxiety, let me reassure you. When I dined alone at Haidilao, the staff placed a cute Haidilao doll across from me to keep me company. Speaking of hotpot, the most important aspects are the broth’s flavor and the variety and freshness of the ingredients. What I love most about Haidilao is its tomato hotpot broth, which is a perfect blend of freshness, sourness, sweetness, and saltiness. Seafood and beef cooked in the tomato broth bring an instant explosion of flavors to my taste buds. This made me realize that excellent service is just icing on the cake; the core strength of a successful restaurant lies in the taste of its food.

When you eating with a cute Haidilao’s doll

Over-Marketing Service? Noisy Dining Environment?

After Haidilao introduced the “Kemu San” dance performances in various branches, negative comments began to surface. Some customers found the dances awkward. One mother claimed, “I took my child and saw the waiters twisting here and there, grazing, and felt that it was really disgusting.” The “Kemu San” dance is not the first time Haidilao has gone viral on TikTok. Previously, videos of Sichuan opera face-changing performances, noodle dance, birthday celebrations, and hidden menu, have consistently stirred up waves of attention on social media. Posting these videos online guarantees a certain amount of traffic. This trend reveals a preference among the public: whether or not the content is positive or meaningful, as long as it entertains and spreads quickly, it will be popular. Haidilao has captured this trend by offering various dance and show during meals, encouraging customers to film and share them on social media, thus reinforcing their “customer-centric” brand concept.

With all this said, it’s probably no surprise that I’m a big fan of Haidilao. I enjoy their service and love their hotpot and free snacks even more. If you love hotpot too, join me at Haidilao next time!



Lauren Hu
Marketing in the Age of Digital

esfp, salmon lover, gym experiencer. "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger"