Digital Marketing in the Time of Coronavirus

Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readApr 2, 2020

Coronavirus is spreading like wildfire around the globe, and by March 28 over 600,000 people have been tested positive. With the shelter-in-place order going into effect in many American cities, many businesses are seriously impacted. Yet, others see the pandemic as an opportunity.

Crisis or Opportunity?

In three ways, Raw Generation tries to promote its business in the midst of the pandemic. First, Raw Generation launches “Immunity Shot”, which is made of five plants and is supposed to boost the customers’ immunity system.

Second, sanitizer is of extreme importance now, so Raw Generation quickly develops its line of hand and surface sanitizers which can “boost the immune system and promote respiratory health.” However, it is rather surprising that a juice company would start selling sanitizers, and it takes quite some imagination for customers to believe that their immune system would benefit from these products.

Third, as everyone is recommended to stay at home as much as possible, Raw Generation offers free delivery plus 50% off for customers who purchase certain products in large quantities. In this way, the customers can “drive [their] immune system” without driving their cars.

Do You Care About Me?

While there is nothing wrong with trying to make the best of the situation, the campaigns that Raw Generation launches are too commercial to be sympathetic. For instance, without addressing the customers’ needs and anxieties, the first banner reads “37 immune booster shots for just $99.99”. The insertion of price makes the readers cautious, while they should be feeling cared for. The call-to-action buttons are invariably “Shop Now” or “Buy Now”, which makes the customers wonder whether the claim that “We protect…wallets” is true. More importantly, while it has been repeatedly stated that the products can improve the immune system, Raw Generation fails to establish its credibility with statistics or references, and as a result, sounds opportunistic. It is rather difficult for the customers to connect with the company during this pandemonium.

Time to Make a Contribution

Many companies have chosen to contribute to the fight against the virus in ways that raises the awareness of their products/services. For instance, Stratasys, a leading 3D company, has donated 3D printed face shields to hospitals. Raw Generation should consider donating their “Immunity Shot” to doctors and nurses that are fighting against coronavirus on the front line and place the press release in the center of the website. A few quotes from the doctors and nurses would go a long way to make the potential customers sympathetic.

Tone It Down!

Businesses need money; there is no doubt about that. But keep it down, especially during this hard time when love, support, and help are the keywords. Raw Generation should re-word each campaign in a way that shifts the focus from profit-making to customer-caring. It should address the readers as unique individuals with openings like “Are you worried about the virus on your hand when you go out?” “Best avoiding goes out, and we make things easy for you.”



Marketing in the Age of Digital

Hello! This is Shirley, a graduate student from NYU, study integrated marketing. A huge dog lover.