Digital Marketing Strategy Advices Complete: What you should do and what you should not do.

Dante Jiang
Marketing in the Age of Digital
5 min readAug 8, 2023

Hey there, this is going to be my last Medium blog. I hope you’ve been enjoying reading my stories and opinions about all sorts of things. This conclusive finale will give you a rough idea of what I have learned through my digital marketing course.

I want to share with you the most critical advices I would provide to my potential clients if I became a member of the marketing industry in the foreseeable future. Here they are:

  1. Do not underestimate the email strategy.

Since when has the rumor of social media replacing email marketing gained people’s attention and trust? I used to believe in that myth as well, preferring to ignore those marketing emails and filtering them into spam until I finally learned how email strategy operates.

In terms of market size, according to the latest data provided by, the estimated revenue attained solely by email marketing is around 10 billion and will continue to increase for the next 4 years. While the number may seem minimal compared to the more than 100 billion social media advertising revenue from a single company in 2022, the growth pace of email marketing proves how vibrant the sector is. This estimate doesn’t come from nowhere; back in 2013, McKinsey & Company had shown that email marketing is far more effective than social media platforms.

Furthermore, let’s take a look at the ROI of email marketing. In 2020, every one dollar spent on email advertising could bring the company more than 40 dollars in return. If you know math, that’s a 4000% ROI, and if you know business, this is THE reason for you to conduct email marketing!

2. Be swift using the newsjacking strategy but use it.

Taking advantage of an ongoing viral news to promote brand presence is undoubtedly one of the most efficient marketing methods. Remember that a well-planned newsjacking strategy usually guarantees a boost in brand presence, but it is definitely a tool for boosting revenue perpetually.

Nevertheless, newsjacking requires a swift reaction from the marketing team because, according to the graph below, news is no longer news within a limited time. On the other hand, carefully check before the final submission of a newsjacking campaign and ensure that it will not harm your brand’s reputation.


3. Find the most suitable social media platform to your product.

There are numerous social media platform involved into digital marketing these days and each of them is owning a substantial level of market size. Among all these social media platforms, Facebook is leading the digital marketing both by market size and average ROI for a long time, followed by Instagram and LinkedIN. (Be aware that and is not included here as social media platform)

However, a larger potential market does not equal to definite success of digital marketing, other smaller platforms such TikTok and Pinterest can may also help you attract your target audience, and that mainly depend on what is your product. For example, fashion trend is best promoted on Instagram. Finding the most suitable social media is one of the main mission of your market team.

In case you do not know to whom or to what user group of the social platform your product appeal the best, try Facebook, Instagram and TikTok, because these three individually represent the largest digital marketing battlefield, photographic marketing and short clip marketing, and they pretty much include most potential online customers from social media platforms.

Influencer and photographic contents create the most suitable environment for fashion industry.

4. SEO is no more than including the best match keyword, try to use ChatGPT for you future SEM.

2023 is a huge year for SEM due to the appearance of ChatGPT. Before the boom of chatbots, people were used to the traditional method of research: coming up with the best-matched keyword, typing it into the search column, and then finding the most desirable result among those paid advertisements. Therefore, finding the best-matched keywords and investing in them became one of the most straightforward strategies of the marketing team while conducting SEM.

However, the appearance of ChatGPT has shown people another possibility of a search engine where they do not have to waste time filtering unnecessary ads online and tend to believe what AI generates. Recognizing these huge potentials in AI, more than 73% of the companies in the United States are now using generative AI to boost their marketing strategies because they comprehend that, in the near future, chatbots might become one of the most influential methods to help customer make the final purchasing decision.

Therefore, if you are entering the market with your product, try to implant the chatbot in your official website to lead customers to their desirable products with ease.

5. Last but most important, your product is ALWAYS the core to your digital marketing strategy.

No data is provided in this statement, but it reflects the genuine thoughts of a student of digital marketing. After six weeks of education, I have learned many strategies and techniques to boost my brand digitally if I was to run an international ecommerce shop. These strategies include sending emails, investing in paid media, and allocating a significant budget to content creation.

Nevertheless, I still believe that a product designed to solve people’s problems with well-established quality should be at the center of the whole digital marketing strategy. This approach can lead to consistent profits for ten years or even longer. That is how Steve Jobs won today’s most enthusiastic Apple fans with the iPhone 4 and how Microsoft established its empire with the Windows system. A well-designed product speaks for itself and resonates with everyone.



Dante Jiang
Marketing in the Age of Digital

NYU SPS studen sharing thoughts about trending topics. #Gaming #Lifestyle #Travel #Fashion #Technology