Digital platform — a huge stage for self-marketing

Yitong Zhang
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readJul 6, 2023

I still remember a time when my professor asked me, “Yitong, why did you choose marketing as your major?” I responded loudly, “I want to market myself and make myself more valuable.” This caused laughter among the entire class.

Digital platforms remove barriers for us.

If it was 20 years ago, I would say that it is very difficult to achieve self-marketing, and we cannot link ourselves to any one region in a quick way. But in today’s digital age, the rapid development and iteration of various social platforms undoubtedly provide us with various opportunities for self-marketing. We can show ourselves to all kinds of people through text, pictures or videos. Just like now, I can convey my thoughts to you from all over the world in the form of words to attract people who can resonate with me.

Each of us is a product or brand.

Just like in a mall, customers don’t buy products that are useless to them. In digital platforms, audiences don’t spend time paying attention to information that is useless to them. For them, we are like a product or a brand. Therefore, we need to think about what kind of content we need to publish, and what method to adopt to attract them to pay attention to our blog. This itself is similar to what kind of campaign we specify for the product itself to achieve our objective. how fun it will be!And my goal is to transform Yitong Zhang into a brand on internet platforms, attracting a larger audience to follow my blog. So, who am I?

Who am I?

My friends often say that I’m a wild goof who likes to try new things. In fact, I agree with what they said. I am very interested in the innovation of any new thing. In the past two years, I have been in touch with blockchain-related projects, such as NFT, tokens, and new concepts developed by various metaverse games such as “Play to earn” and “Move to earn”. Even though the blockchain has experienced great shocks in the past two years, their prices have fallen to the bottom. But the hype of capital is tantamount to proving the feasibility of these concepts in the future. At the same time, it also made me realize that in the future, brands can achieve more marketing innovations with the help of Metaverse.

The NFT I hold.
Experience the Metaverse through VR

This year, the Metaverse will be applied to our lives at an accelerated rate, with the advancement and breakthrough of AR and VR technologies. I also bought a VR device for the first time, and I will continue to explore some possibilities about the combination of Metaverse and brand marketing. Welcome everyone to actively discuss with me! I am very happy to communicate with you in this way.



Yitong Zhang
Marketing in the Age of Digital

Follow my perspective to feel the transformation of marketing and follow the progress of the times