DIOR: A Dream about butterflies. An actual spiritual value or a dream of illusory luxury?

Marketing in the Age of Digital
4 min readFeb 4, 2024

New York Fifth Avenue Dior this year is a Gorgeous display. The astrolabe light shows a fusion of the wheel of fate, the entire astrolabe, the sun for the upper zenith, the moon for the bottom, butterfly flower symmetry, and lucky grass symmetry. The butterfly is the green color plus dreamy purple. Night falls, traveling to this place, a kind of heart-stopping beauty, even in the bustling such as Fifth Avenue, also makes people difficult to avert their eyes.

2023-Dior Carousel of Dreams

In the dazzling lights, a butterfly flew into my field of vision. It was a butterfly that Dior posted on their official ins account. Since the beginning of 2024, Dior has introduced many butterfly elements, showing related products and conceptual videos simultaneously in social media and offline stores.

I stood on Fifth Avenue, looking at the bustling crowd, and suddenly realized that Dior was going to tell me a beautiful dream about butterflies.

Dior’s offline store decorations

In the fashion world, Dior is a highly regarded brand. Each new release attracts the attention of fashion lovers around the world, and the Dior Cruise 2024 collection takes Dior to new heights. The theme of this collection is “Gorgeous Transformation Butterfly”, you can see butterfly elements from gorgeous dresses to simple daily wear.

These designs not only emphasize the femininity and elegance of women but also show Dior’s unique understanding of fashion and innovation. The butterfly is an important symbol of surrealism, and artists are fascinated by its transformation. The transformation from an ugly caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly is a metamorphosis rather than a rebirth, and also a symbol that people are about to break the blockade and anxiety. Dior uses butterflies to present an elegant and mysterious charm.

There is a Chinese idiom, “turning a cocoon into a butterfly”, which symbolizes the growth of a person, and the freedom and beauty he gains after suffering and settling down. Butterflies are often considered to be a symbol of good fortune, so if a butterfly flies in your home, it naturally means that good things will happen in your home and that your family will be blessed. For Chinese fashion lovers, Dior’s use of butterflies has a spiritual significance, reminding us that we can rise above any challenge with grace.

The founder of Dior, Christian Dior, was himself a man obsessed with fortune telling, horoscopes, tarot, and other predestined metaphysics, and had to tell his lucky day before each presentation. He once wrote in his autobiography: “I am a person who believes in fate, as long as there is the slightest sign of good luck, I will grasp it. ”

“Christian Dior”

So do you believe that the butterfly element of Dior can bring good luck?

I believe that the butterfly element can have a partly positive influence on consumers. Especially after the epidemic, people have been in a long period of repression and bondage, and are in desperate need of an emotional outlet. Ordinary products can’t satisfy consumers, we need to influence consumers’ lives, bring value to them, and help them realize that value, Dior’s Butterfly can bring good luck to everyone, break the previous haze find a new light, and give consumers a belief. At the same time, the power of faith also feeds the Dior brand.

But in China, there is also a Chinese idiom called “Zhuang Zhou dreaming of butterflies”, which is about a man named Zhuang Zhou who turned into a butterfly in his dream and could not tell whether he was a man or a butterfly after waking up. It reminds people that although they can experience freedom in their dreams, they still have to face the constraints of reality when they wake up. So are we living in our dreams or an unreal world?

Zhuang Zhou dreaming of butterflies

Luxury is a product of consumerist dream-making. So, is Dior’s “Butterfly” an offering of spiritual and emotional values, or is it a dream of illusory luxury? What do you think?

DIOR: A Dream about butterflies

