Disappearing Messages, Dog Filters, and Delulu: Snapchat’s Not-So-Social Media Saga

Pratha Canser
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readFeb 27, 2024

In a world where social media platforms battle for every second of your screen time, one app has dared to step out of the shadows, declaring, ‘I am not like the others.’ Enter Snapchat, the digital rebel without a cause, boldly proclaiming its stance with the latest campaign: ‘Less Social Media. More Snapchat.’ But as we adjust our most flattering filters, one can’t help but wonder, Is Snapchat really the unsocial butterfly it claims to be, or is this just another clever ploy to capture our fickle, heart-eyed affections?

I mean, Bold enough Snapchat, I can give you that.

The Snapchat Campaign

Says we are “Bigger than a campaign”. Mixed thoughts about this. I do appreciate the creativity to stand out but in terms of selling not so factual information cause who are we kidding Snapchat? The truth about not just Snapchat but any social media websites is that there is a lot of pressure to be a certain way, to look a certain way. How is snapchat helping here? It claims its not social media. My point here being, just because it doesn’t have a feed, and it isn’t seeking to showcase your posts to as many people as possible does not mean it still is not pressure. (Pressure here is a metaphor for Social Media) Here, I found a perfect adjective, Social Pressure.

Did you know about the Public profile on snapchat? Here’s the deal, with a Public Profile, your snaps don’t just disappear into the ether — they stick around, letting you build up a portfolio. Whether you’re a budding influencer, a brand looking to connect, or just someone who thinks their pet deserves worldwide recognition, your Public Profile is your stage. HOW IS THIS NOT “SOCIAL” MEDIA. To me it screams social, right?

Calming down, giving them a benefit of a doubt that it was undeniably catchy but still claiming to be anything but? Snapchat reminds us not to take it all too seriously which I love, its fun and very famous with the Gen Z’s but lets not be hypocrites and do such catchy campaigns in a more realistic way.

Snapchat | Less social media. More Snapchat.

Snapchat and its Instagram account. LOL. Do I need to prove a point anymore or does this say enough? We were trying not to be social snapchat? Why are you here? Why 1 post ON INSTAGRAM talking about not being social, DUH?

Sanpchat’s Instagram accout

Nevertheless, Snapchat, in its bold bid to distance itself from the conventional social media fray, has both puzzled and charmed us. There’s no denying the impact and intrigue of Snapchat’s latest campaign. It invites us to engage with social media in a way that feels refreshingly authentic or does it? It’s hard not to feel a twinge of skepticism. It treads a fine line between innovation and contradiction. For a platform that embodies the very essence of social media, the campaign’s message seems somewhat misplaced, if not ironic.

As we look ahead, one thing is clear, it will take more than a catchy slogan for Snapchat to redefine its identity in this crowded digital arena.

