Do social media companies lack effective supervision?
In the past few years, with the rapid development of social media, the number of users has continued to increase, and the influence of social media has also grown. In this context, whether social media companies should be regulated has become an important issue.
Social media refers to content production and exchange platforms based on user relationships on the Internet. Social media has been a hot topic in recent years. Compared with traditional media, how is social media different? First of all, traditional media and social media actually belong to different fields. Traditional media like newspapers, television, radio, etc. Its role is more direct and obvious. We can get information directly by watching TV and reading newspapers. And the current social media actually has this effect, and the speed is faster than the traditional media, but some information lacks some authority compared with the traditional media. In addition, social media and traditional media have different focuses. The focus of social media is still social, which mainly plays a role in communication and communication. But the biggest focus of traditional media is to spread information. It does not represent personal opinions, but an objective and calm dissemination event, and the rest are left to the public for judgment. Social media will produce a lot of personal feelings in the process of spreading, and it has a certain degree of subjectivity.
The subjectivity of social media is the reason for attracting users and the reason for the need for supervision. Because social media has a great effect on the dissemination of information, it has led to the rapid formation of public opinion hotspots and a wide spread of information. At the same time, subjective remarks can influence and guide the views of others. For example, opinion leaders promote products on social media, but the lack of audit qualifications on the platform has led to consumers being deceived. Or news events released by the media, while guiding public opinion, resulting in the event’s lack of objective elaboration and impact on the parties. These are all things that often happen in daily life, and it is also the reason why social media needs supervision.
Social media companies have problems such as losing control of public opinion, spreading rumors, and increasing the difficulty of supervision. When the social platform managed by a social media company has a large number of active users, user information problems, advertising problems, and privacy tracking problems will arise. Survey data shows that two-thirds of US Internet users hate auto-playing audio video ads. In addition, more than half of those who hate auto-playing videos without sound. In third place are audio commercials that hurt music streaming and podcasts. In addition, data leakage and privacy issues are also issues that users and countries need to pay attention to. The reasons for the problems include the lack of effective supervision. So social media should be regulated like traditional media.