Do you curious about how world sees you?

Lanlin Fang
Marketing in the Age of Digital
4 min readFeb 20, 2021

It’s interesting to know how other people and the world see you. People is familiar with the term “self-knowledge”, but not many people can explain this term in detail. Self-awareness is the willingness and skill to know yourself and how others see you. That is to say, if one wants to be truly self-aware, one must not only understand oneself, but also understand how others see oneself. This is what psychology calls internal self-awareness and external self-awareness.

By taking this Fascinate Test, I have a new insight into how the world sees me. In this test, my archetype turned out to be the maestro. I didn’t expect this kind of result before I took the test. I have done a lot of personality and psychological tests, but the results are always predictable. The archetype of “Maestro” includes some key words — confident, goal-oriented, ambitious, results-oriented and respected. It says “You’re a natural leader. You make decisions easily, reach conclusions quickly, then take action. All Maestros share a strong will and driving force. You have the “horsepower” to achieve big goals.” which describe me extremely accurate.

key words to describe Maestro

My primary and secondary triggers are POWER and PRESTIGE. When I was doing Marketing internship in China Unicom Ltd, I really enjoyed leading projects and could easily wins buy-in of teams. I am a person who will set ambitious, personal and professional goals. I did a market sales goal over the average sales level which could encourage me to do better and try my best in competitive environment. And finally, I survived and built a stronger me. I think the key I went through and got succeed is that I know how important to express opinions and make complex decisions with unwavering conviction. When people see problems, they should not feel down and give up firstly, instead, confront potential problems or obstacles immediately and decisively is the way we solve the problems.

Two Triggers to achieve succeed

As for the second trigger, “prestige”, there is an old saying in China that “Details determine success or failure”. In life, we can also find that those who can really do a good job have a lot to do with their ability to detail. Because the details can show our character and work ability. Conscientious of the smallest details is a phenomenon which shows someone’s characters focus on adding value through better execution and expect highest quality deliverable from oneself and others. One thing can be done to the extreme, enough to shock people sigh.

For instance, ‘Once you decide what you want to do, you have to put your heart into your work, you have to love what you do, you can not always complain, you have to spend your whole life honing your skills’, says sushi god Jiro Ono. ‘That’s the secret to success.’ It is his craftsmanship and spirit that has earned him a place in the sushi world.

Overall, I found this test and result to be very true, both in testing my own result and in taking examples from famous people. I think not only in our careers, but throughout our entire lives, we should focus on our own inner consciousness, and think carefully about how our behavior and our characters will impact the way that world see us, how we will be perceived. The world is a vast network of connections. People communicate with each other by connecting with each other. And what others think of us is a key element of these ties.

In my opinion, the information can be obtained directly and indirectly through talking, getting along with, working with, asking and so on. In the future, I hope I can become a clothing designer who own a self-brand. Before my personal brand is established, I will express “independent, self-improvement, unique, simple” as brand concepts, they are not just my characters as a designer, more are the signals to the world. I want to convey what kind of person I am through my brand personality. I hope that people who have the same quality or yearn for this kind of information will know, understand and try my brand, so that I can truly establish my own personal brand.



Lanlin Fang
Marketing in the Age of Digital

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