Do you Know Yourself?

Huiyan Li
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readFeb 22, 2021

My First Personality Test

This is my first time taking a personality test. Totally 28 questions, I spend less than 5 minutes taking this test. When I taking this test, I was unsure those questions can identify my personality or not. However, after I took this test and see the report from the fascination test, I surprised that the result is pretty much true about me. I try to recall what I’ve done during my learning career, I did pay a lot of attention to the subject that I have passion about it. That’s why my primary advantage is passion.

Huiyan’s Archetypes

How will the test report help me for my future career?

My Archetype: Attentive: It Involves being keen and being able to comprehend the events occurring in the business. This virtue is characterized by being observant, considerate, polite, and being thoughtful of others. To build a profitable enterprise, one should learn to be attentive as it is a significant archetype for any prosperous business.

Dedicated: The quality of dedication is very vital to any enterprise. Dedication makes one committed to any particular business task making one develop a thirst for accomplishing duties. The enthusiasm created can be maneuvered in making significant industrial steps.

Efficient: Efficiency in any enterprise can help boost performance by only using minimum resources. These reserved resources can be used to make more business outputs leading to prosperity.

My Primary and Secondary Triggers

My Primary Trigger: Passion. Passion aids in connecting with emotions in business premises. With properly focused passion, anyone can be able to induce determination in the industry. My future business requires such traits in building a healthy emotional environment for both my workers and me. The advantage of passion is that it creates an affection towards completing a business task. This action, without a doubt, will aid in making endeavor steps.

My Secondary Trigger: Alert. An alert trigger can be used to prevent problems with care. Alert can draw attention towards the business from either outside or inside. Alert also involves sharing information about an enterprise before the time of the events. These events could include the introduction of a product, enterprise scheduling, or reports on an incoming step. This makes a business to be ready and prepared for the changes or events.

How will these help me to build my personal brand?

Through this test, I feel like I am different from other people. I have my own unique characters that could differentiate between me and others. I could zoom my triggers to help me build a unique personal brand. And I will avoid jobs that require me to curb my natural expressiveness since I will become discouraged without open communication. I will be less successful in situations that require me to suppress myself. So, I will keep showing that my passion and alert in the project or my life. To make awareness to others that I am a person who has loads of passion.

