Do You Like To Cook?

haoran du
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readApr 3, 2023

I came from China, so if anyone asks me which country has the most delicious food, I would say China immediately. Not sure if you have tried Chinese food before or not, if not, then you have to try it out sometimes, because it has so many different categories, and can fit almost everyone’s preference within the entire world.

Because China has the most divergent food, we also have different ways of cooking! One of the necessary tools that we need to use while cooking Chinese food is a cooking knife.

The brand that I want to talk about today is called Zhang Xiao Quan. This brand is one of the most famous cooking knife brands which started in 1628, almost 400 years ago. Almost every Chinese has heard of this brand before.

What Happened?

In July 2022, one of the customers of Zhang Xiao Quan’s cooking knife posted a picture showing that the knife was purchased within 3 months, but it broke when she used the knife to smash garlic, which almost every Chinese would do with their cooking knives. After the customer reported this issue to their customer service, the customer service told the customer that their knife is not supported for smashing garlic! At the same time, the manager talked in the video said that the Chinese are learning the cooking way incorrectly, Michelin chefs never cook like that.

This point of view brought the crisis online and enraged most Chinese, we all thought this is the action of worshiping things foreign and fawn on foreign countries. They have the best cooking knife brand when problems pop out, the first thing they do was not deal with the problem and check the quality of their products, they blamed the way of cooking of Chinese!

What Have They Done?

They finally realized their crisis, what they had done was posted an apology letter, and said that they should not talk about the point like that. Finally, they promised to ship a brand new cooking knife to the customer with the broken knife.

What Do I think?

I think they could avoid this social media crisis by apologizing right after the customer came to them, and figuring out the compensation afterward instead of blaming the way how the customer cooks. It was the fault of the brand, this social media crisis could be avoided, but because of the bad customer service, it finally became the social media crisis.

Finally, the way of they dealt with this crisis made their stock price fall about half during half a year. If they blame themselves instead of blaming customers all the time, they would not experience this social media crisis!

