‘Do you really know yourself ?’

Jiaqi Li
Marketing in the Age of Digital
2 min readAug 5, 2021

The Fascinate test is fascinating to me because we don’t usually know ourselves very well. Psychological tests can help us better understand our strengths and weaknesses. Knowing our strengths makes it easier for us to find out what we are good at and bring out our potential to the best.

My Archetype

The result of this test shocked me, because I am really a rock fan. Maybe I usually seem to be a quiet girl, but in fact, I really like rock and roll and this kind of passionate music. My favorite band is Nirvana, their music has accompanied me through many happy and sad times. From this point of view, I think this test result is very real.

My primary and secondary advantages

I am a person who likes to pursue new things, so I always have some novel ideas, which may be the potential of innovation. I think innovation is very advantageous for me as a marketing major, because in the rapidly changing market competition, innovation is always the easiest key to success. My second strength is passion. I was always curious about the world and filled with energy every day.

It’s not hard for me to build a compelling personal brand because I can always come up with new ideas. My second advantage — passion can make me full of motivation to work, and strive to achieve the goal I want. But my defects are also obvious. I tend to be careless and ignore many details. This is where I need to improve

