Elements that shape how to think and how to behave

A recent Fascinate Test I’ve taken which reveals more details of my internal personality

Yuanlu Zhu
Marketing in the Age of Digital
4 min readFeb 24, 2020


Constructive, organized, and practical are three words that come to describe my nature according to the Fascinate Test. When I initially started to take the test, some questions seem ambiguous to me, which I had multiple answers in terms of some questions, so I didn’t expect the result to be accurate. However, the final analysis conforms with who I am and how I behave.


My archetype is the coordinator: the primary advantage is alert; the secondary one is passion, and the dormant one is Prestige. I agree with most of the description: for example, as a coordinator, keeping the work on the track is one of the valuable traits. I’m used to making a daily plan, which indicates what I must do by the end of the day and what I can finish by a couple of days. I will not do anything which is not on the list of daily plans, and I try as much as I can to finish things on the list. Otherwise, it would ruin the effectiveness of work in the next couple of days and cause me inactive.

From my perspective, this type of trait allows me to accomplish the work in time and avoid missing deadlines, but an organized group is a prerequisite. Adversely, if some group members do not constrain themselves to the period or work carelessly, it would frustrate my confidence and cause me to foreshadow a negative point of view of the result. I feel that I become incredibly subjective as an “Alert” personality because it functions to structure the group with rules but always brings me unnecessary worries and anxieties once things tend to be unplanned.

My secondary advantage is passion, the one who can reconcile the conflicts mentioned above — some members are lack of zealousness with no notion of time. Communication comes as an essential trait that helps me express my opinions to persuade my team workers. Putting myself to other’s positions and then think the method of negotiation are my ways to solve the problems in the group and to get all members resonated and involved in the project.

Last but not least, I agree with the dormant advantage, Prestige, to best indicate my drawbacks when I do a project. I always believe that what I have done for the project is never about to win or compare with others but to accomplish the final goal as the group set up in the beginning. If competition becomes the priority, then I will be stressful and tend to deny myself to some extent. In short, I prefer to work in a task-oriented with a less competitive burden.

Application of being a marketer

As an Alert personality, for one thing, I not only can keep the team on the track on the deadline but also suggest practical ideas. Being practical is essential as a marketer, since marketing is not about fanciness, all should be based on a particular investigation and research so that every action has its effect and reach the most appropriate demographic under a reasonable budget.

Secondly, being a passion marketer helps to implement an ideal brand image and to achieve a higher level of brand awareness to the target audience. Marketing is about business; business is about communication with people, and people reply to their brand-work to make their decision. In the case of Amazon, 33% of Amazon users say that they cannot live without this brand because Amazon has already formed a solid, intense, and intimate bond with consumers for its variety of product portfolio. Therefore, the talents to emotionally connect with consumers and to make them believe that using this brand can bring them a sense of happiness and pleasantness build the intimacy with the audience and thus maintain long-term brand loyalty.

Finally, the lack of prestige personality enlightens that I need to keep learning about the brand I work on: for instance, If I were asked to do a marketing campaign, it would intimidate me for I want to develop something outstanding among other campaigns. I fear the upcoming competition, which makes me nervous. Therefore, the way to ease the concern is to be alerted and agile to observe the news and to be passionate about grasping the brand information can so that I can create a more successful campaign that is more related to the brand identity and make resonance with consumers.

To sum up, the Fascinate Test is a useful and exciting way to decipher my personality. Because of its accuracy and conformance, I also find an effective way to utilize merits and avoid the drawbacks regarding the marketing side.



Yuanlu Zhu
Marketing in the Age of Digital

Wine enthusiast | Active marketer | Currently pursuing a master’s degree in Integrated Marketing in NYU