Email Marketing of Bottega Veneta

Jiaqi Han
Marketing in the Age of Digital
1 min readMar 26, 2023

On Monday, Mar 20th, 2023, I registered on the website of Bottega Veneta, below are some of my experiences.

Easy to use?

It is pretty easy to register on Bottega Veneta’s website. A clear option is set at the very top of the website. The page below is what I get from clicking that little person symbol on the right top.

For new customers, BV asks to create personal profiles. And after filling in all information, a double-check email will send to the registered email address.

Nothing happens after registration

Till today, Mar 26th, 2023, I still haven't received any email from Bottega Veneta. I don’t think that is appropriate, email marketing is a great channel to get in touch with the target audience. If I were on BV’s marketing team, I would first send a welcome email to every new customer, it is not only designed for letting the audience know more about our brand but also designed to show respect to every person who is interested in the brand. Advertising emails will be sent once a week, otherwise, customers might get annoyed.

