Embracing Challenges and Breakthroughs

Feng Chen
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readSep 17, 2023

Hello, I’m Feng Chen, and I invite you to embark on a remarkable journey with me, one that traverses the icy winters of Harbin, China, and the bustling streets of New York City. I am from Harbin, where winters are as frigid as they are heartwarming, which mirrors my own character in many ways. As an introvert who seldom opens the door to my inner world, I never envisioned myself as a blogger. Yet, here I am, about to share a part of my life’s story that’s filled with challenges, growth, and the relentless pursuit of self-improvement.

My first piano performance on stage was also filled with nerves and anxiety

About me

From the tender age of fifteen, I dared to venture abroad alone for my studies, igniting a lifelong journey of pushing boundaries and achieving breakthroughs. This blog represents yet another self-imposed challenge I’ve conquered, a testament to the notion that life’s essence lies in overcoming obstacles and evolving into a better version of oneself.

In my early years, curiosity about the world beyond my horizons burned brightly within me. At the age of fifteen, I startled my father with a sudden declaration: I wanted to study abroad. His incredulous expression remains etched in my memory to this day. To him, the idea of his son living independently, far from home, was nothing short of a revelation. Undeterred, I embarked on a solo journey to Melbourne, Australia, where I would spend seven transformative and unforgettable years completing high school and my undergraduate studies.

Fast forward to today, and I find myself in the heart of New York City, pursuing graduate studies in Integrated Marketing at the esteemed New York University. My decision to delve into the Integrated Marketing program is deeply influenced by my family background. My father, a thriving entrepreneur, has been immersed in the world of business for as long as I can remember. Witnessing his daily dedication to commerce left an indelible mark on my perspective, igniting a curiosity that continues to shape my outlook.

New York, a city of challenges and opportunities

This blog marks my inaugural venture into the world of online expression. While only a glimpse of my persona is shared here, I hope that future posts will unveil a more vivid and multifaceted portrait of who I am. What I’ve come to realize is that, much like life itself, facing the unknown can be intimidating, evoking nervousness and anxiety. However, the moment you conquer those uncertainties and self-doubt, you’re rewarded with an overwhelming sense of joy and accomplishment. Perhaps, that’s the essence of life’s journey — a continuous pursuit of challenges, breakthroughs, and personal growth.

Join me as I delve deeper into the uncharted territories of my experiences, thoughts, and aspirations. Together, let’s explore the boundless possibilities that life has to offer.

