Empowering Your Digital Marketing Journey: Five Vital Insights Before Crafting Strategies.

Yitong Zhang
Marketing in the Age of Digital
4 min readAug 4, 2023

“We live in a remarkable era of digital information. Through the digital world, we can effortlessly attain everything we desire, including knowledge, technology, customers.”When my friends around me complain about missing out on the golden age of the previous generation, I often share the following perspective with them. Especially in recent years, with the continuous innovation of digital platforms, a variety of new marketing opportunities have emerged. So, how can we seize these opportunities? I will outline what I believe are the five most crucial points.

The map of digital marketing

1.Empowering Digital Marketing: Unleashing ChatGPT’s Potential for Creativity, Analysis, and Optimization

I have to acknowledge that the emergence of ChatGPT has propelled advancements in the field of digital marketing. When I precisely convey my requirements to ChatGPT and provide accurate feedback for refinement, it swiftly generates comprehensive content for me. In fact, several adept marketers have already incorporated ChatGPT proficiently into their digital marketing practices. They utilize its capabilities to generate compelling ideas and campaigns, aiding in market trend analysis, competitor evaluation, among other tasks.

In fact, according to statistics, already 26% of B2B marketers have acquired 10%-20% of potential customers by using artificial intelligence chatbots in their marketing strategies.

2.Email Marketing’s Timeless Effectiveness: Learning from Successful Brands and Embracing a Global Opportunity

Just as mentioned in my previous article, while social media platforms continue to see new innovations and developments, various novel marketing methods emerge endlessly. However, Email marketing remains the most effective digital marketing approach. According to Dot Digital, the average return on investment for email marketing is $39 for every $1 spent. We should take inspiration from brands that excel in email marketing, such as Nike, which utilizes emails to convey brand value and messages to users, tactfully addressing and promoting solutions for user queries and decisions during the purchasing process. With current global statistics showing over 4 billion email users, this presents a significant opportunity.

3.Beyond Aesthetics: Unveiling the Real Path to Website Visibility and SEO Success

Perhaps we’ve fallen into a misconception, assuming that a beautifully designed website is all it takes for users to easily discover us. In reality, that’s not the case. Search engines don’t rank us on users’ search pages based solely on the visual appeal of our website. Instead, we need to adhere to the algorithms of search engines and continually optimize our content and keywords. This is how we can improve our ranking on natural search pages, with the goal of increasing our visibility.

Data shows that even a one-position increase in search results can astonishingly boost click-through rates by 30.8%, leading to a significant increase in traffic. That’s why we need to utilize tools like “Semrush” to check the website problem and continuously optimize our website.

4.Fostering Harmony: The Vital Role of Consistency in Social Media Branding

Certainly, consistency is a critical aspect worth mentioning. It’s not only about maintaining brand information and image consistency between social media platforms and offline brand displays but also about maintaining consistent formatting. Consistent formatting provides users with a higher level of comfort and ease. Through the following comparison, we can observe that Ulta Beauty’s cover choices are quite scattered, with some covers featuring combinations of portraits and others including a mix of portraits and text. While browsing, this can create a sense of confusion. On the other hand, Sephora demonstrates consistency in their format design, elevating the style of their brand page. Therefore, when utilizing social media platforms, we should prioritize comprehensive consistency.

Comparison of Ulta beauty and Sephora instagram covers (Ulta beauty on the left, Sephora on the right)

5.Navigating Automated Marketing Tools: Balancing Efficiency and Personalization in Digital Campaigns

Mastering the judicious use of automated marketing tools in digital marketing is paramount. Some brands heavily rely on these tools, such as email marketing automation, where emails are continually sent to users based on trigger conditions. Social media automation involves tracking and responding to user comments, reminders, and private messages. Indeed, these automation tools significantly assist brands in managing digital marketing activities and enhancing efficiency. However, improper utilization and overuse can yield counterproductive outcomes. For instance, Medium employs email marketing automation, bombarding me daily with a plethora of updates and messages about Medium’s latest developments. These communications are irrelevant to me and evoke a sense of disrespect from the brand, subsequently dissuading me from engaging with any Medium-related content. In fact, 74% of individuals detest encountering irrelevant content. Therefore, when utilizing such tools, brands should prioritize enhancing personalized user experiences.

Bad use of auto marketing tools

I hope these suggestions of mine can help you in building digital marketing strategies. If you have any better suggestions or different opinions, please discuss with me in the comment area.



Yitong Zhang
Marketing in the Age of Digital

Follow my perspective to feel the transformation of marketing and follow the progress of the times