Being more of who you are

Elle Duan
Marketing in the Age of Digital
4 min readOct 2, 2022

Every time when I heard of taking an online test, the first feeling is “not trust”. I don’t think any tests could know who you are, what kind of personality you have. Sometime, I even don’t know myself clearly, how could some phycological test know me better. The first time of hearing Fascinate test, I have to admit I was attracted by this name. I think it’s gonna be fun. With curious, I finished all those 28 questions carefully with much patient. I truly seen the best of how world see me.

My Archetype is the orchestrator. I am also a ENFP-T, this two kind of similar, which I have a strong understanding of people. Strong empathy connect me to get along well with others. Most of time, I was pretty and friendly nice to people. Even having a tough day, taking the bad emotion to innocent people which is really awful. So be positive and happiness will impress people a lot.

My Archetype is the orchestrator.


  • Create strong and immediate emotional connections
  • Communicate expressively (such as colorful language and humor)
  • Attractive personal and professional style of interaction
  • Inspire people to become involved advocates
  • Attuned to the 5 senses: taste, touch, scent, sound, and sight
  • Quickly create warm emotional connections

This made who I am, with Expressive, Intuitive, Engaging. I am a person who do like expressing a lot, When I doubt a question or concerns, I will speak out immediately. I really like talking with others, even strangers, In my opinion, everyone has amazing stories, everyone is unique, We could learn something from anybody. I have no doubt about that.

PASSION is one of the most immediately fascinating triggers. With PASSION as my primary trigger, capture widespread attention through colorful words, ideas, and actions. Apply PASSION to persuade, influence, attract, and inspire everyone you encounter.


  • Aware of all facets of a situation
  • Able to create swift action
  • Work to avoid unwelcome surprises
  • Exhibit a strong will and determination
  • Expect high-quality results
  • Prompt deliberate action

The second personality mad me be Proactive, Organized, Detailed. this way shows I really care about how others think of me. This bother me a lot. Sensitively effects me to avoid unwelcome surprises.

Specialty Adjectives

This result not 100% true to me, however, It does show the advantages I have, and also expose some of my shortcomings. Reveal a part of my personality. Above the five specialty adjectives truly shows who am I. one hundred percent sure to match me. In my real life, I do pay more attention on details, before starting assignment, read and confirm instructions over and over time is my habit. I am indeed a cautious and step by step.


  • You captivate others with your vibrant and attractive style of communication.
  • Your approachable and transparent style makes you an “open book.”
  • You intuitively understand ideas and feelings of others.

“Personal branding is one’s story.”

This report helps me know myself better with all those strengths and shortcomings. Knowing myself deeply is the first thing to build my own brand. According to the fascinate test, I get known focus on strengths and passions Strive to find the intersection of what I am good at.

set long-term goals, focus on my advantage, keep motivating , and improve core competencies. At this point the weaknesses are hard to compensate for, so focusing on strengths will influence my career. It’s not smart to compare your shortcomings with others, all we have to do is develop our strength as much as we can.

I know I am good at integrating strategies and seeing the situation, I may need operational experts on my side. Administrative operations, I needs more creative and visionary people to work with. I also could be the best spokesperson for My own brand. coordinate the company’s dilemmas and show excellent integration skills.

This test help me to discover my missing basic skills and essential skills. This is very important, I have to know what is missing, in order to know what to practice. I need to study the growth path of masters. so that I can know what I should practice to what extent, what kind of goal should be set. Continuous improvement, continuous iteration. keep surpassing, keep revising training plan based on feedback, set higher goals for myself, and iterate over and over again. This way I can keep improving and continue to improve my skill level.



Elle Duan
Marketing in the Age of Digital

NYU | Integrated Marketing. Travel Enthusiast, Food Lover and Fitness Freak. I will be posting interesting content related to my hobbies.