Everyone Does Email Marketing, You Should Too!

Aliyya Firmansyah
Marketing in the Age of Digital
4 min readJul 30, 2023

Have you ever wondered… Is email marketing dead or alive? Does it still work?

A few days ago, I just signed up for the email list of one of my favorite canned beverages I always buy whenever I go grocery shopping at Whole Foods, Sanzo Water. If you’re a fan of flavorful sparkling water, you might want to try and subscribe to the email list of Sanzo. In this blog, I will tell my experience in subscribing to Sanzo’s email list and share the secrets to their successful email marketing strategies!

CTA to Email Subscription

The sign-up process was super easy! I just need to go to the bottom of the page and look for “Get exclusive offers and discounts”. With a single click on the subscribe button, I am officially a signed up on their list. Easy right?

CTA to Sanzo’s Subscription Email

Welcome Email

A few minutes later, this incredibly well-designed poster popped up in my inbox! They also provide a 10% off discount code for Sanzo products. What caught my eye were the cool and vibrant picture and the email header showing the range of their sparkling water flavors with a catchy headline, “Real fruits are the stars of our show”.

Sanzo’s Welcome Email

After receiving the welcome email, I couldn’t help but feel excited about exploring their products further. The use of GIF animations showing the wide range of flavors of the sparkling water was a very smart move because it created a visually engaging experience! Moreover, the pictures they attach are very aesthetically pleasing, making me want to click the button that redirects me to their website.

Sanzo’s GIF Animation

Frequency of the Email

Moving on to the frequency of emails. As a subscriber, I had an apprehension of the dreaded inbox flood, but not with Sanzo. I noticed that they have been quite considerate in this aspect. They haven’t bombarded me with emails every single day, which is a huge point plus because they ensure that their emails don’t become annoying and overwhelming to the subscribers.

Rather than bombarding me daily, they send relevant content and promotions at a reasonable interval, which keeps my curiosity piqued. They seem to have a good balance, which makes me want to stay genuinely interested in their messages.

Sanzo’s Promotional Email

The next email I received is a promotional email providing another discount code to purchase a beverage subscription with a clear call to action. Sanzo managed to catch the subscriber’s attention by having the “Get it on the regular” button as the CTA, which redirects to the landing page.

Email Marketing Best Practices

In terms of email best practices, they appear to be hitting the mark! This means that they provide a really clear value right from the start with their welcome email and offer a discount to encourage my first purchase. Aside from that, they make it easy to opt in and opt out of the list if the subscribers wish to do so, which shows that they have a sense of respect and trust for the customers.


I must say I’m thoroughly impressed with how they are using their email marketing practices. Sanzo successfully uses email marketing as a powerful tool to build a connection with their audience by providing visually appealing content, great discounts, and maintaining sensible email frequency. Their approach of being informative without being intrusive makes me feel like a valued customer rather than just another email address on their list.

So, here’s the revelation you’ve been waiting for — Is email marketing dead or alive?

My experience in subscribing to Sanzo’s email list certifies that it is definitely still alive! When used thoughtful and strategic email marketing, it can be said that email marketing remains an effective strategy for businesses to connect with customers and lead to positive results.



Aliyya Firmansyah
Marketing in the Age of Digital

Graduate Student at NYU | Flower Designer | Marketing Enthusiast