Experience Sharing About Joining #TeamCarlie

Zhen Yang
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readAug 4, 2023

Hello everyone! I’m going to share my experience of signing up for a subscription with Starkist, and compare it with the process of subscribing to Fishwife. Both of these brands are competitors in the canned seafood industry.

First Step — Sign up

In my experience, the sign-up process for Starkist is somewhat complex. Aside from providing an email address, Starkist also requires your Name, Birthday, and Zip code. Additionally, they ask you to fill out multiple-choice questions about how you enjoy their products and which product is your favorite. This process is more time-consuming than I would have liked. Furthermore, they do not offer a sign-up discount to incentivize email subscription. As a result, many customers might opt not to sign up and simply make their purchases and leave.

In contrast, Fishwife offers a 10% discount on the first order for signing up. Their process is much simpler, as customers only need to provide their email address. In this aspect, I definitely think Fishwife outperforms Starkist.

Second Step — — Wellcome Email

The welcome email from Starkist is sent immediately after signing up. Despite its simplistic design, which I found somewhat lacking, it does contain all the necessary elements of a welcome email. These include links to all of their social media platforms, as well as a purchasing link. Also, it conveniently offers an unsubscribe option at the bottom of the email, adhering to subscription standards.

In comparison, Fishwife’s welcome email, which was also sent to me immediately after signing up, was adorned with emojis in the heading, making it more appealing to me. Moreover, the phrase “Get 10% off your order” is prominently displayed in large letters within the email, accompanied by a purchasing link just beneath. I believe this is an excellent design choice that effectively promotes purchasing.

From these observations, it seems to me that StarKist hasn’t prioritized email marketing as much as Fishwife has. For future improvements, I suggest that StarKist could offer a sign-up coupon to attract more customers and simplify the email subscription process. Additionally, enhancing the design of the welcome email could make it less formal and more engaging, especially with a personalized greeting that could pique the customer’s curiosity, like “Hey Zhen.” I believe these adjustments could significantly enhance their email marketing strategy.

Since I haven’t been subscribed to these two brands for a very long time, I don’t feel equipped to accurately assess their email frequency. If you’re interested in learning more about their follow-up strategies and valuable information they provide, please follow me now!

