Experiences From A Marketer’s Travels

Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readJun 7, 2020

Jessie here. Welcome! Bienvenidos! Benvenuti! to my blog.

My journey has taken me from the Magic City to rural America and now the Big Apple. Each place has a distinct culture that has informed and given me a unique perspective. Its become clear in my mind that diversity in marketing is necessary.

I was born and raised in Miami, FL where the humidity is high, Spanish is everywhere, and mango trees line busy streets. Spanish was my first language so growing up it wasn’t surprising to see huge billboards filled with Spanish sayings promoting the latest product. As an adult, I see the beauty and uniqueness of it. I have yet to see the same abundance of marketing towards the Latin community in any other U.S city.

Fall at my college campus.

College took me to rural Massachusettes where I learned the importance of the digital space as a means of communication. My college was surrounded by peaceful pastures and friendly farms. I learned about the best local foods and hangouts through word of mouth and low budget websites promoting ‘the best ice cream in the valley’ or the ‘ancient dinosaur tracks in your backyard.’ I studied Anthropology where I learned about cultures from distance lands to my backyard: from the fight for citizenship for Italians with parents born elsewhere to the culture of systemic racism in the southern United States.

On top of Il Duomo in Florence, Italy

I learned in-depth the need for diversity within storytelling not only in the U.S but worldwide. It was also during this time that I became fluent in Italian and studied abroad in Florence, Italy where I interned at a local digital publication. There, I found local gems like gelaterias and parks; I wrote their stories down and shared them with the world.

Enjoying the NYC skyline

I’ve lived in New York City for 6 years now in which time I’ve seen the city transform in many ways. With the help of good ol’ Google and cookies, the City has given me a tour of its many cultures. I receive emails about New York City’s best Thai food. How did you get my email and how did you know I love Thai food? I ask the City but it never answers. I’ve seen high rises displace mom and pop shops but I’ve also seen the internet community rally behind small businesses. I’ve seen the rebirth of local businesses as they defy gentrification by adopting technology.

Over the last 10 days of protests against police brutality, I have seen the power of the digital space as a way to organize. How do we as marketers amplify black voices? How do we use the tools of marketing to shed light on important matters? As marketers how do we promote products and ideas that help the black community in productive and tangible ways?

I hope you join this nervous first-time blogger in a quest for knowledge and deeper understanding. If I don’t put myself out there how will I grow? This blog will focus on the diversification of marketing and its tools. In theory, technology is supposed to be unbias but that is far from reality. For example, algorithms used by Amazon have been proven to be gender and racially bias. As marketers, it is our duty to represent and understand all perspectives. We must think critically to see change.

