Farewell to the Iconic Beetle

Arlene Yeghiayan
Marketing in the Age of Digital
2 min readJun 6, 2022

Cars, cars, cars.. so many options, so many to choose from. When I turned 16, all I could think about was what kind of car I could see myself in. Where to start? So many different models, colors, features and more! I knew no matter which car I picked, regardless of the model, I would make many memories with my car. If you ask any car owner about a memory they’ve had with the car they own, chances are, they could share at least one story, but what happens when you find out your car model is being discontinued?

Volkswagen’s “The Last Mile”

Volkswagen knows exactly what I’m talking about! The company decided to say farewell to their iconic beetle, and it got a little emotional. The video references gets nostalgic by showing the car’s role in popular culture across the decades, even including Kevin Bacon in the movie Footloose and the Beatles.

Cue the Tears

Right from the start, this video pulls the audience in with the start of a sad, emotional song. We are able to see many adventures and memories shared throughout various people in the Beetle. The Beetle was more than a car to their owners, it was a car where families grew, traveled, shared laughs, cries, and smiles. As the song, Let It Be plays, we see the Beetle drive off with people cheering, smiling and reminiscing. A special moment shared with strangers never fails to touch the heart.

Brands and Their Story

When a brand is able to tell a story through a campaign, users stay engaged and and want to continue watching. This reminds me of my favorite quote, “The best marketing doesn’t feel like marketing.” This was the case through Volkswagen’s “The Last Mile” video. Although we were saying goodbye to the Beetle, the brand did a great job on raising brand awareness to their consumers. The brand emphasizes on their commitment to electric vehicles consumers could purchase, despite having to say goodbye to the Beetle. The story was able to pull me in, and left me interested in what other car models Volkswagen has! Many of my purchases come from brands I trust and brands that have touched me with their campaigns. The story fits the brand’s overall brand story and message, as we were saying goodbye to a previous model, but hello to so many other Volkswagen models!

