Farmacy’s Personalized Marketing Strategy: Leveraging Text Messages for Customer Engagement

Yanqi Shen
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readMar 24, 2024

Digital marketing continues to evolve today, and brands can get $42 in return for every $1 spent on email, making it a very effective marketing method. In the last week, I started experimenting with Farmacy email marketing.

Its registration is very simple, just provide your email address and you will receive a discount code for 15% off. But what is confusing is that I did not receive an email message, but a text message: it will automatically pop up a dialog box with a piece of text in it. You need to send it to indicate that you agree to subscribe to the personalized marketing that the brand automatically sends regularly. Then you will receive a welcome message, which includes privacy protection regulations, the product's official website, and a discount code.

Farmacy will send me messages four days a week, at fixed times, mostly at 3 pm, and sometimes at 5 pm. The content mainly includes two types: the first is to recommend popular products to me. This kind of information usually includes pictures and text, and with just one click, you can directly purchase the product through the link without visiting their website; the second is discount information, such as coupons and gifts when you purchase a certain amount. Adding pictures to the information will attract my attention more. I noticed that their information is generally under 50 words, all starting with Farmacybeauty and ending with Shopnow plus a link. I think it highlights the key points, and among a bunch of words, the presence of numbers is always very conspicuous, and I always catch them first.

What I find more surprising after subscribing now is that if I click on their link, after that, they will send me a message, “Hello, we noticed that you are browsing us, do you need any service? ”, I think this personalized service is great! In addition, I think there are still areas that need to be improved. For example, the wording is relatively stiff. You can add some greetings, care about the impact of the recent weather on the skin, recommend skincare products suitable for the season, etc., which will make them more like talking to people. It feels like, in short, the level of personalization is not enough. And the content can be appropriately added with event time, the numbers are eye-catching and can give people a sense of urgency.

In addition to phone messages, brands can send emails appropriately. After all, everyone who registers has emails, and 99% of email users check their inboxes every day. The overall layout of the email will be more beautiful and have more visual impact than a simple text message, and there is no word limit, so you can come up with more marketing ideas, such as product education, ingredient introduction, etc. Unfortunately, I have not received any email advertisements from this brand so far.

