Fascinate Tests And Where To Find Them

Mallika Ahuja
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readFeb 13, 2022

“It’s doesn’t matter how incredible your ideas are if nobody knows. It’s doesn’t matter if you’re the most brilliant blogger if nobody reads what you post.”

- Sally Hogshead

What do people say about you when you’re not in the room?

Have you ever wondered what people say about you when you’re not around? I have. That’s when they’re the most honest about what they think. In fact, Jeff Bezos (founder of Amazon) believes that your personal brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room. Brands are mostly associated with companies or large businesses. However, with the advent of the digital age, personal branding has become just as important.

Employers run background checks to rule out anything controversial on your social media, entrepreneurs need to market themselves to get investors and customers on board, any prospective relationships you have depend on how you come across. According to a 2018 CareerBuilder survey, 70% of employers use social media to screen candidates during the hiring process, and 43% of employers use social media to check on current employees.

So what makes you, you

The question now is, how do you build a personal brand? how do you want yourself to come across? Sally Hogshead has an answer. She suggests that there are potentially seven triggers. You can elicit a different response based on how you activate your trigger. You can attract people with creativity, emotion, strength, respect, loyalty, curiosity, or urgency. The goal is to fascinate them enough to pay attention to you. Once you have their attention, you can drive your message home.

While you can use any of these seven triggers, it's important to play to your strengths. Focus on what really makes you, you. Here’s where the Fascinate Test comes in, it helps you realize your primary and secondary triggers. It’s a tried and tested way to help marketers build their personal brands. Unlike some other personality quizzes you may find (what kind of bread are you?) this test is designed to help you focus on how best to put yourself across and effectively build your personal brand.

The Seven Triggers/Behavioral Motivators


My Archetype and Primary and Secondary Triggers

I understand the skepticism that usually comes with taking a personality test. When I took the Fascinate Test, I wasn’t expecting a concise and well-defined layout of characteristics of myself that I hadn’t even given a second thought to. As someone that struggles with anxiety and self-esteem, my first reaction was that of reassurance. I am a reserved person, always have been. However, I've never really seen that as a strength. It was interesting to see it as mystique, as a way to communicate purposefully, to incite curiosity leaving my audience wanting to know more. Valuing creativity, innovation, drawing outside the lines isn’t exactly associated with a routine rigid work schedule. However, there are certain careers and paths that it is well suited to.

JK Rowling (co-incidentally, author of fantastic beasts and where to find them ) is someone else who employs mystique in her work. She is intuitive, unpredictable, and fascinating. She’s played to her strengths to give us a best-selling franchise of books, and later, movies. She exemplifies the fact that everyone is fascinating in their own regard, you just need to find your trigger.

Take away

The Fascinate Test can help you find your own personal archetype and identify focus areas as well as weak spots. My archetype of Provocateur rang true to me, yours could too. If it doesn’t, it's still an interesting insight on how people may potentially view you as it offers a different and refreshing perspective.

You can take the test here, share your results and see what your friends and colleagues think.

Good luck testing!

