FASCINATE: The Rockstar

Anthony Guerrieri
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readFeb 23, 2020

As of today I am going to change my name from Anthony Salvatore Guerrieri to Bold Artistic Unorthodox.

Just kidding, but I could see Bold maybe being a cool millennial trendy name in the near future.

So, the world sees me as a “rockstar,” while I see myself as a hot headed boy from New Jersey… interesting. I think by breaking down what these traits means for MYSELF will help clarify why people may see me in these ways.

BOLD. I think I am bold because I am an answer seeker. If I want to know something, I will go the best way about trying to figure something out. Sometimes, there is no best way and you just have to be bold and ask the uncomfortable question regardless of the context. Without getting #toodeep for my public blog, I believe my boldness has been developed due to my experiences in life that have conditioned me to ask the appropriate questions. I have been left disappointed and confused in my life because I never had the bravery to ask or say what I wanted, which is something I have always actively worked on in my adult life.

ARTISTIC. I saw this one coming from a mile away. I am naturally an artistic person and I believe this test did highlight the fact that I struggle with the artistic and rational part of myself. My life has been a constant struggle of marrying my naturally artistic inhibitions with the fact I have to… you know, make money. So here I am studying marketing, a field that *hopefully* sees me making peace with these two vital parts of what makes me, me.

UNORTHODOX. To be unorthodox means to be contrary to what is traditionally “accepted.” So back to trying to not get #toodeep, but I feel like my unorthodox-ness comes from being raised in suburban New Jersey as a gay kid. I always naturally rebelled against the status quo, especially when put in positions that could be uncomfortable. I always and still love to shake things up by making people question how society has made things the norm and taboo. I believe by being unorthodox in my life opens other’s minds up to new possibilities. For example, an Italian boy from New Jersey is often expected to get married and have children by 25, something I do not plan on doing. When I tell people this, there is often a mixture of shock and intrigue as to why. My “why” is a whole other blogpost, but sharing something that boldly makes others question their own “why’s” and whether not it is society or themselves that want these things is why I love being “unorthodox.”

In all honesty, I have a general aversion for these type of tests that are designed to breakdown personality aspects based on some very basic questions that are meant to “reveal” some sort of hidden trait unknown to myself. In terms of marketing, I think knowing how the world sees you can help you formulate a consistent brand that adheres to these advantages, considering the world already “expects” these things from you. So, if the world sees me as this rockstar, then you sure as hell better believe I will keep marketing myself as such. Therefore, this test may reveal basic attributes that can be marketed, but for me its about the story of how we developed these traits and the story behind it. That is what I think is important for a marketer.

