Fascinated by Fascinate

Tianfeng Wu
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readSep 29, 2019

Doing the Fascinate Test was a fascinating experience. With many other personality tests that I have done online, they felt too ambiguous. People often complain about personality tests being inaccurate but I find that personality tests can never really be accurate in the first place. Personalities are innate human qualities that can’t be quantified within the span of a test. Therefore, the larger problem is often the ambiguity attached to them because they seem to be quite fitting for a lot of people. Another issue is that they are more context dependent. Within different type of work environments usually produce different responses from the individual, which is what makes personality tests difficult to evaluate. The Fascinate testis different because it reverses the position to produce three adjectives that describe how the world sees you. To my own surprise, it was a surprisingly specific role that I believe to be true for the most part. The Fascination advantages are also an interesting find as they outline the highest and best value of the mediator as well as my weaknesses. These results are fairly specific and I feel that they are applicable to me. Placing the role of the personality in reverse is an interesting and transformative experience because it provides an entirely different perspective.

The specificity extends to the fascination advantages as well, listing Alert to have descriptors such as “aware of all facets of a situation, able to create swift action” etc. I enjoyed this level of detail that was provided in the test because it is often absent from others. However, I do think that it still suffers from other problems that are seen with personality tests because they are not entirely applicable to every situation. For example, it states that I am able to create swift action, but this is not true all the time. Part of this could be raised to be that the test was surprisingly short, which would be an indicator of its “inaccuracy.” Therefore, I think this does provide a much needed and interesting perspective, but should also be approached with some caution and reservation.

The idea of the personality test is interesting and holds value in our understanding of digital marketing. According to the organization, their belief is that personalities are uniquely hardwired to fascinate customers, co-workers, and colleagues. To a great extent, I believe this to be true because we change the way we act based on our surroundings. As we are social animals, the idea of fascinating others is partly hardwired because what we do, and how we present ourselves are all dependent on them. Overtime, our personalities can change or adapt accordingly in order to present these. Thus, I think that for a digital marketer, taking a look at our own personalities and how the world perceives us could be important. This way, we can take advantage of our strengths in order to be better influences or to fascinate others in order to achieve our goals.



Tianfeng Wu
Marketing in the Age of Digital

BS Economics Mathematics in University of Southern California,MS Intergrated marketing in New York University