Fascinated by the Fascinate Test

It’s not just another random personality test…

Jenna Loomar
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readFeb 19, 2021


Photo by Felicia Buitenwerf on Unsplash

As someone who has been going through a lot of self-discovery over the past year, there is nothing I love more than learning more about myself and the people around me. I’ve taken all the tests — Meyers Briggs, Enneagram, Human Design, and of course I know all about my astrological birth chart. (For anyone interested I’m a Taurus Sun, Capricorn Moon, Gemini Rising.)

Each of these tests can tell me about how I see and understand the world, but not many can tell me how the world views me. The Fascinate Test does exactly that.

The Fascinate Test: How does it work?

Designed by Sally Hogshead, the Fascinate Test is the first marketing-based, personal branding and communication assessment. Through this 28-question test, you can learn how to best communicate with others in a way that is true to your personal brand and identity.

After answering the 28 questions about various personality traits, you receive your Archetype. Your Archetype is a personal identifier based on your responses.

Breaking it down further, the Archetype is combination of your Primary and Secondary Advantages, (these are your most effective modes of communication). Through these Advantages you can learn how to best communicate with others in ways that align with your authentic self.

The Results

My Archetype is called “The Diplomat” and the key words that describe this archetype are: levelheaded, subtle, capable, impeccable, and prudent. According to Hogshead, the Diplomat leads by example and considers how to best approach every situation to inspire those around them.

The Primary and Secondary Advantages of the Diplomat are Trust and Prestige respectively.

With my Primary Advantage as Trust, this means that in interpersonal interactions, I am perceived as dependable and familiar. I build loyalty through my consistency and can bring stability to difficult situations.

This combined with my Secondary Advantage, Prestige, means that I put a lot of focus on the work that I do in order to deliver high quality results. I earn respect from others and can influence them by holding them to higher standards as well.

My Reaction

I was thrilled to take this test to find out exactly how I am perceived by others and what my role in the professional world could be. And I have to say, after reading the results, I completely agreed with my Archetype and Advantages.

In a work environment, I find that I actively embrace the descriptors of the Diplomat and its communication styles. In terms of marketing and my personal brand, these qualities help me understand my best and most prominent assets as they relate to others. Peers and coworkers can see me as a leader who wants to work with others to achieve the best results through encouragement, consistency, and attention to detail.

The most interesting aspect about this test was how similar the results were when compared to my other personality tests. I found they all worked together to describe me at my core. By combining all these tests, I was able to formulate a more complete understanding of my identity and my place in the world.

Final Thoughts

“An unexamined life is not worth living.” — Socrates

To sum up, I think this quote by Socrates says it all. Learning about yourself and your place in the world is not only fun and interesting, but imperative. Without introspection and understanding, we can’t grow as people. And growth is a fundamental tenant of life.

So if you have any interest in starting your own journey of introspection and personal/professional growth, I highly recommend trying the Fascinate Test.

Who knows what you might learn?



Jenna Loomar
Marketing in the Age of Digital

Taurus, Theater Kid, Integrated Marketing Graduate Student at NYU