Fascinated By The Fascination Test!

Divya Gupta
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readFeb 23, 2020

Ever since childhood, I loved taking online tests and even more loved the results afterwards. The first test I ever took was by the Sorting hat to determine my Hogwarts house [Are you a Potterhead too? I like you already :)] And guess what am I? A Gryffindor…


So, when professor Joanne Tombrakos asked us to undertake the fascination test…I couldn’t wait. My curiosity made me take the test as soon as I got out of class. It wasn’t supposed to be that hard a test, since it is said to be introspective in nature. But have we, millennials, actually had the time to do so?

When faced with questions relating to my behavior in certain situations, I just had no answers to certain questions about my behavioural stimulus. Although the questions were easy to understand, answering them required a far deeper look into my own self. So, in the start when the test said it’ll take ‘only 5 minutes to discover what makes you fascinating’ — it took me more like 15 minutes to find out the results!

So, what is an archetype?

… Or more importantly what is mine?

Time for a little background, the test is based on an algorithm which determines your archetype by asking those piercingly personal questions about your behavioural stimuli. An archetype is a combination of one’s primary and secondary advantages.

Mine is a ‘ROCKSTAR’, with my primary quality being INNOVATION and secondary being PASSION. I was kind of shocked how two mere words were enough to accurately define my personality.

I have always been actively looking for exciting ways to do monotonous things. In my past school and work experiences, I have always been coming up with creative ideas (sometimes a little unrealistic too) for the most routine things! This gave birth to one of my co-ventures — The Bump to Baby Co, a company bridging the gap between pregnancy myths and pre-natal education and development in India.

On the other hand, Passion — I feel is an important and unique quality every entrepreneur and marketer should possess. Because what really is life without a little passion? I feel more than a quality; passion is an emotion which makes it easier for me to connect to people and share. An amalgamation of such strong features will keep brewing creative ideas inside me, balanced well with an emotional appeal for the audience.

I keep self-doubting myself (don’t know if it is because I aim to be a perfectionist or because I feel I can constantly improve my own work). But this test has unknowingly given me a sense of self-confidence.

Where does these qualities put me as a marketer?

The strong blend of creativity and emotional feeling is what makes a marketer distinguished. My archetype is also distinguished by five main characteristics: bold, artistic, unorthodox, revolutionary and sensational. Another thing that the report mentioned briefly was the fact that I thrive in challenging environments. That, I believe, is 100% true as I am more motivated by challenges and deadlines (than grades or rewards). The more I read into the report the more precise it felt (Not going to lie, a little scary too because of its accuracy).

The report at length explains the benefits, advantages and dormant qualities of each archetype. This test didn’t just make me ponder about how the world perceives me as an individual but gave me scope to strengthen my advantages and also improve on my weaknesses.

So, I strongly urge everyone to take a moment to take this well-designed test and get to know yourself better and get an insight into ‘how the world sees YOU’. Here is the link for you: HowToFascinate.com/YOU

Hope you enjoy taking the test!

Until next week folks :)



Divya Gupta
Marketing in the Age of Digital

Marketer in the making || NYU Grad student || Change is the only constant 💫