FascinateTest Knows Who You Are!

yk tian
Marketing in the Age of Digital
2 min readJun 13, 2021
Fascinate Test

My feeling about the test with F-test is that I don’t quite believe its statement, although in some aspects the test has given me a very consistent situation. But just like the horoscope, the horoscope in some ways speaks to your current situation, and you are actively involved in the situation. I think it’s more of a psychological cue. I put my personality into the analysis of the test in the same way I used to put my horoscopes into the analysis. When I put myself into words, I made the horoscope analysis seem so accurate and constructive. This test report gives me the same feeling.

My archetype is Anchor. The primary trigger was trust and the secondary trigger was mystique. What I really think is that I don’t believe it. I think these incentives are there. They are what people are willing to accept or are implied to accept.

Please be Fascinating

If I believe in primary and secondary triggers, I am not a qualified boss and that a manager is the best position for me. In this position, my main motivation is that my team and my boss trust me more, and I get everyone’s respect. My secondary motivator in the test was that I was cautious in my decisions, usually thinking through the information I had before making a decision. These two triggers helped me build a more productive and trusting relationship with my team. Trust and respect help me understand my team, and caution and thoughtfulness help me choose better judgments. Ultimately, my hashtags in my team are caution, trust. This will be my value throughout my career.

Make yourself more attractive because if you are popular with others. It will lead to greater business benefits. If we use our strengths Triggers, we are likely to work more easily. For example, my primary and secondary triggers in the tests are my strengths, which if I could reinforce and apply would help me get my team and manager to agree with my recommendations. These triggers for all of us to apply, but everyone is at a different level.

