Fascinating me by Gracie Qin

Gracie Qin
Marketing in the Age of Digital
4 min readSep 28, 2019

It is rare to have a general evaluation of how the world sees you since everyone has his/her own opinions and judgments. There was a truthful saying that “No one sees the world as it is, we only see the world as we are”. Every living world has its principle of communication, as the ted talk mentions, there are 7 triggers to win attentions; power, passion, mystiques, prestige, alarm, vice, and trust. As a marketer, we should always embrace and amplify our strength in relatively short notice to impress one and others. It doesn’t matter how incredible the ideas are if no one knows it.

Sally Hogshead addressed “as in today’s world, we are learning things faster, but also smaller.” It only takes 9 seconds to grab people’s attention, therefore the fascinate talents are the treasure we shall utilize to develop our attractions. When taking the fascinating test, the 28 questions tend to give me a vague idea of how to implement my competitive advantages to market myself. It reminds me of the elevator speech that I once heard in a career coaching session. To impress employers and let them know your strength in a short maximum of 30 seconds, people would prepare and improve their speech days and nights. In this competitive world, sometimes, people lose track of themselves and often fail to know how to position themselves. Not only when pitching your marketing thoughts to your clients, but also just existing in today’s world, we all are competing with countless other individuals. I believe the ones, that made great influential or substantial contribution to the world, all know how to implement their talents, and more importantly, make people fall in love with their ideas.

According to the results of the fascinating test, my inner emotions are geared toward the combination of Mystique and Innovation, and my archetype is the secret weapon. Supposing, Mystique, means that I often remain calm for the situation of pressure, and I work independently without disclosing your process; I always think before I speak. Innovation, the language of creativity, means I can list a range of solutions when facing a problem, my idea often gets attention instead of myself. Overall, it listed four primary features of me; first of all, my demeanor is calm; secondly, I have an unexpecting way of communication; third, I fascinated by being independent in my style of thinking; forth, I can restrain my emotion, and be a social chameleon, which means I have the ability to adapt to different surroundings. The followings are some suggestions to make an outstanding self; be careful to not to isolate myself too much, I should interact with my teams and see what is going on under the surface; I shall also use power to strengthen and the way I communicate, and use trust advantage to create consistency; More importantly, I should get out and network, and try to interpret my ideas to others.

I resonate with most of the results, but I think these advantages do not always reveal properly or being implemented in the right way. In other words, I think it varies in different situations. Plus, these might not always be my advantages; for example, “always think before I speak” could sometimes turn to weakness, since after thinking too much, I might not have the gut to say it out loud. I do strongly agree to I often unconsciously isolate myself in teamwork because if I immerse myself too deep, I would always have different opinions, and sometimes I do not want to argue or controvert with others, therefore I should put more effort into expressing my ideas. There are two biases I found when taking the test; on the first hand, is the way they phrase the question, sometimes, people do not always know themselves well enough to select the right choice on the test, since we portray our self the way we want, which lacks authenticity; Secondly, people change the way of thinking rapidly, if I’ve done the test a year ago, I would have answered it differently.

As a marketer, it always feels good to have approvals and compliments when pitching ideas. I long to know my strengths, but sometimes strengths could alter with weaknesses, in other words, weakness also has a chance to become your weapon. Therefore, I think we should always pay attention to summarize every success and failure. The idea of fascination is certainly important when doing marketing activities, since not just marketer, also as a human being, a sense of accomplishment and self-confidence is always an indispensable complementation of everything, and knowing your fascinations is the key.

Take the test today to find out how the world sees you! Here is the link below!

Thank you for Reading~

Go, and be the fascinating self from now!



Gracie Qin
Marketing in the Age of Digital

Upcoming marketer & Creative thinker & Life challenge seeker