Find the Most Fascinating You

Lixuan Wei
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readSep 29, 2019

We are all humans, and we are all fascinating. Physically, every individual is made of skeleton and organs. Psychologically, the reason why you are just you is because of the unique combinations of the characteristics and personalities, which form the ultimate and unique identity. Is it important to find out the best and the most fascinating you, and thus to fascinate the world to the most? Here is the easiest way to find out how the world sees you. Taking the How to Fascinate Test discovered by Sally Hogshead. With just 28 questions, less than 5 minutes, and 10 years of research, and the most important one — you, you can find out how the world perceive you as an individual and how you can discover your own advantage to further fascinate the world.

My Reaction to Take the Test

When I was just a little girl, I was interested in psychology and bought many books about psychological tests. Of course I enjoy taking these tests, especially when I feel the results are very true about me. The feeling is like these tests are some kinds of magic that can see through me behind the questions. The Fascinate Test created by Sally Hogshead may be the most meaningful psychological test that I have been taken, because it helps me to discover how the world perceive me, and how I can become a better me.

Me as The Wise Owl

The test results describe me with three adjectives: observant, assured, and unruffled, and all combined to be “ The Wise Owl”. My archetype is combined with “Mystique” and “Trust”. I feel totally true about the results, and am delightful that the test helps me to describe myself with the words, because sometimes I cannot even properly explain myself for the actions I take. It is true that I am a kind of mystique person. I don’t usually show the true me to everyone, and am not used to expressing my feelings or emotions. I will analyze every situations carefully in my own mind before making any decisions. Moreover, I’m a very good listener, and willing to listen to my friends carefully instead of focusing too much on my own conversation. As for “Trust”, I’m definitely a person who value trust over any other things. A person cannot go into my heart and be close to me if I cannot trust him or her. I feel safe to be with trustful persons and have faith to become a person who can be trusted.

Fascination As a Marketer

The Fascinate Test helps me learn how the world sees me so that I can recognize my pros and cons and improve myself as a marketer. The most important part in marketing is how to communicate with the customers. From the test, I know that the highest mode of communication to me is mystique and the secondary advantage is trust. That means I may do a better job in small teams and developing relationship with individual customers in person. I also recognize that my dormant advantage is power, which means I am lack of leadership. I should learn to stand out and properly show my views in groups.

