Find Who I am

Churan Zhao
Marketing in the Age of Digital
2 min readJun 13, 2022

Sometimes, I was curious about how the world sees me. Now Fasciate test gives me the result. It is very interesting to read the report about who I am.

What is my archetype?

My archetype is the orchestrator, but it does not mean I am a musician. It explains how the world sees me. As “orchestrator”, I command attention and inspire others to reach goals. When I tell people over the phone I don’t have time to speak to them this week, I have a smile on my voice. Wait… what does this mean? Maybe I am good at using optimism execution? Let's continue, I also have a keen understanding of people and inspire them to reach optimal results. Now I saw the advantage of being “orchestrator” is my positive approach inspires others and my pragmatism could keep projects on track. Sounds good! Well, the disadvantage is I would not like to challenge the status quo or spin off crazy ideas.

What are my primary and secondary triggers?

My primary personality is passion. It means I create strong and immediate emotional connections. I could communicate expressively. I have an attractive personal and professional style of interaction. I am good at inspiring people to become involved advocates.

My secondary personality is alert. It means I am aware of all facets of a situation. I am able to create swift action. I would like to work to avoid unwelcome surprises. I expect high-quality results.

Did it feel true to me?

I feel some of the description from the report is true to me, but some are not. I agree that am an emotional person and would like to inspire others optimistically. However, I don’t think I prefer tried-and-tested rather than new and unknown. I actually like to fantasize about something crazy and look for opportunities to do it. I feel rather than my primary advantage, the secondary advantage alert describes me more accurately. Because a high-quality result is what I always want.

How will I use this information ?

I think in my career I could take the role of the taskmaster. It is because I expect my team and also myself to do everything well. In addition, I have strong emotional bonds with co-workers and employees. Therefore, it helps me have good interpersonal relations.

