Finding My Voice: How Being Bengali American Shaped My Digital Marketing Journey

Ashna Siddiqui
Marketing in the Age of Digital
4 min readJul 8, 2024

Hi! My name is Ashna Siddiqui, and I am an NYU Graduate student pursuing integrated marketing.

As someone who grew up in New Jersey and as a Bengali American, I have always navigated interesting intersections of cultures. My unique background has significantly impacted my dreams and passions, especially in the field of digital marketing and perspectives on the world. I am eager to share how my life experiences and upbringing have influenced my goals and path in this dynamic industry.

A Life Immersed in Two Cultures

Being from New Jersey consists of spending our weekends by the shore, late-night runs to Wawa for a hoagie, and not having to pump our own gas! On the other hand, my home life is filled with Bengali traditions, from festival celebrations like the Bengali New Year to my mom’s cooking, which brought warmth and the aroma of spices into our house.

I believe that being raised in two cultures produced a special synthesis of viewpoints and values. It helped me learn the value of accepting diversity and appreciating other points of view — skills that are crucial in the field of digital marketing. The foundation of a successful marketing strategy is the capacity to engage with a variety of consumers and produce inclusive content.

My family, celebrating our heritage and culture in vibrant Bengali attire!

A Social Media Queen

In high school, I developed an interest in digital marketing. My hometown friends to this day still call me a “pop-culture queen” since I am so chronically online. The emergence of social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube has created an infinite number of new opportunities. I enjoy the impact of storytelling and how brands can create a narrative that will resonate with an audience, but also drive business growth.

My NJ persona when it came to football game days!

Moreover, authenticity is what we look for, and we like information that speaks to our beliefs and experiences. Through platforms like TikTok, user-generated content and influencers have a big impact on how we think and make purchases. Brands have begun to prioritize transparency and interaction above traditional advertising approaches as a result of consumers’ demand for real, relevant information, which has changed the brand’s marketing approaches.

The Impact of Digital Marketing on My Journey

In addition to being a career path, digital marketing has also been a personal journey of empowerment and self-discovery. I have frequently experienced the conflict that comes with upholding my cultural background while also fitting in with the mainstream American culture as a Bengali American. This void has been filled by a platform that digital marketing has given me, enabling me to tell my narrative and communicate my persona with a worldwide audience.

Especially being on social media, is an effective means of establishing connections with people who have gone through similar things. Through engaging with creators and influencers from many backgrounds, I have discovered an online ecosystem that embraces diversity. My sense of self has been greatly shaped by the feeling of being included, which also highlights how crucial representation is in the media and in marketing.

In My Digital Era

It is thrilling and transforming to write about marketing in the digital era. I believe it will be interesting as we continue to learn in this class the impact the digital era has on the world. In other words, the ever-evolving social media environment and the quick speed at which technology is developing provide an exciting atmosphere for marketers. I can keep ahead of the curve, offer ideas, and establish a connection with a worldwide audience by posting about these developments. It presents a chance to continuously grow and change as well as a challenge.

The Power of Representation

One of the most significant lessons I have learned is the power of representation. Finding people who reflect me and who come from the same culture as me in marketing and other media has been exceptionally comforting. It has strengthened the notion that we belong in the mainstream narrative and that our experiences are valuable.

The field of digital marketing is always changing, bringing with it both new possibilities and difficulties. As I continue to learn, I can not wait to investigate innovative methods that use data and technological innovations to produce powerful marketing. My mission is to have a positive impact on an industry that promotes diversity, is inclusive, and develops genuine connections.

To wrap it up, my background as a Bengali American in New Jersey had a significant impact on my career path in digital marketing. It has taught me the value of accepting diversity, appreciating many viewpoints, and appreciating the influence of representation. I am dedicated to leveraging my platform to produce inclusive content and provide a voice to marginalized groups while I contribute to this rapidly evolving field, helping to build a more vivid and unified digital marketing scene.

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