Five aspects to look out for before you start your digital marketing strategy

Marketing in the Age of Digital
4 min readApr 15, 2024

In this semester’s class, the professor used many vivid and concrete cases to tell us what digital marketing is really like and what we should focus on when doing digital marketing. After the class, I used Hippeas as a case study to observe and analyze its digital marketing strategy specifically.

Here I would like to summarize the five things that I think are most important when developing a digital marketing strategy. They are content marketing, UX, SEO, user analytics, and clear goal setting.

Content marketing is what I consider to be the most important point in a digital marketing strategy. Content is the fuel of digital marketing. First and foremost our content should be guaranteed to be altruistic. When people browse social media or websites, they always want to find information that is helpful in their lives. High-quality content engages users by providing them with valuable information, entertainment, or solutions to problems. This engagement helps build trust between the brand and the audience, fostering loyalty and encouraging repeat business.

There are times when a website or app is the place where a brand first interacts with a customer, and when doing digital marketing we should be mindful of the user experience, and all the information conveyed should serve a purpose and tell a brand’s story. A good website design needs to emphasize content, aesthetics, simplicity, user-centered design and logical structure is very important. For example, Hippeas’ website design and messaging are something I can learn from. They use bright colors to attract consumer attention, and the tone from start to finish using the design is very simple, which can let the customer leave a very good experience.

Of course, SEO is essential to work with. Search engine optimization improves the visibility of your website’s search results. A strong SEO ensures that a website is found by users searching for relevant keywords. It’s not just about more views, it’s about attracting the right visitors who are actively looking for what we have to offer. Additionally, ranking high in search results can add credibility to a brand, as consumers are generally more inclined to trust natural search results over paid advertisements.

When doing digital marketing, we need to know our users very well. Knowing who they are, where they are, and what they want is very important for marketers. This includes demographic details, user profile analysis, behavioral analysis, preferences, and pain points. A deeper understanding of a brand’s audience can lead to more personalized and targeted marketing efforts. Personalization isn’t just a buzzword, it’s a necessity in an environment filled with advertising. It’s only when we know our users as well as we know our friends that we can truly capture them and foster loyalty.

As a final point, when doing digital marketing, we need to be clear about our goals and performance metrics. Different combinations of digital marketing strategies emphasize different priorities and have different rates of efficiency in accomplishing goals. Before going ahead with a digital marketing strategy we should be clear on what exactly our goals are. Is it to increase brand awareness? Increase product sales? Or do we want to improve the social image of the brand? We need to be very clear about this and we need to adjust the strategy in real-time according to the changes in the market to ensure that we achieve the overall business objectives.

