Five Keys to Unlock Social Media Success

Jessica Hosey
Marketing in the Age of Digital
4 min readAug 2, 2020
Photo by dole777 on Unsplash

As a marketer, I understand the power of digital marketing, especially in the current environment of the coronavirus pandemic. Traditional marketing techniques have been abandoned by some brands as they turn to mobile apps, streaming services, and social media to reach their brand’s audience. Pros like Ben & Jerry’s, Nike, and Netflix have leveraged their power on social media to really take control of their narrative during this socially distanced time. With uncertain times ahead, it is essential for all businesses to adopt social media practices that will allow them to succeed during and post-COVID. Through research from Buffer and WordStream as well as professional knowledge, I have broken down the 5 keys you need to unlock social media success.

Create Unforgettable Content

Content is king! Being able to make content that the consumer will always remember is a tough feat. It is important to make sure that the content is relevant, clear, visually appealing, and touches on the emotions of your social media followers. Emotions are what make us human. People want to feel something from your brand and the overall experience. If your brand is able to provide an element that brings a hint of humanity to the customer, you are on the right path to winning at social media.

Monitor Key Trends

Source: The Cut via Twitter

Social media trends change each and every day. Brands who have successfully used social media as a tool have been able to create unforgettable content that aligns with major trends, just like the many TikTok video challenges. For more information about TikTok and its possible ban in the United States, check out one of my previous blogs here.

When quarantine began, there was a new trend of figuring out which “quarantine house” you wanted to be in during the madness. The Cut created these quarantine houses for social media fans to choose from. I would have definitely chosen House #1 for multiple reasons: Megan Thee Stallion being the top. Also, it is necessary to understand how people are responding to the news on social media. For example, many brands halted their social media campaigns with the rise of protests after the death of George Floyd. Brands who continued on normally were categorized as insensitive and lacking a sense of moral compass. Being ignorant of the issues can tarnish a brand’s reputation.

Narrow Target Customer

Having a broad target audience may seem desirable, especially since the internet is a place that brings so many different people together. Honing in on your specific target customer will allow you to create content that resonates with these consumers. Social media platforms even have built-in tools that give you data about your followers such as the location where most of them live and the time of day you receive the most engagement with your posts. This data will lead to a more tailored experience for your target customer. Know your target. Design content for your target.

Stay Consistent

When you want to improve at anything, you must stay consistent. Social media can seem uncomfortable for those who are not used to the digital world we live in. If this is the case, hire individuals who specialize and enjoy digital media. Apps like Buffer allow social media users to make content in advance and schedule them for future postings. You must stay consistent with how often you post as well as the types of things you post. Visuals, brand voice, and messaging should be consistent on all platforms. Whenever I go to a different social media site for your business, I should be able to clearly tell it’s your business through consistent branding.

Engage With Consumers

Lastly, be sure to engage with your consumers on social media. That’s right. People like it when you are social on social media. Have short dialogue with users on Twitter or share a consumer’s positive review on your Facebook page. Being able to engage with your customer creates a bond and another opportunity to connect with the brand. You are able to give the brand a voice and humanize your business once again. Be aware of bots on social media that may pose as real people but are really fake accounts. I dive into how bots can be detrimental to the social media experience here.

While all of these tips can be applied to all social media platforms, please keep in mind that different platforms allow you to connect to your audience in different ways. Let me know what other ways your business has been able to really use social media to your advantage in the comments below!



Jessica Hosey
Marketing in the Age of Digital

I’m just here to say what needs to be said. Aspiring Marketer. Current NYU Grad Student. Forever Foodie.