Five Most Important MKT Hints

Marketing in the Age of Digital
5 min readApr 23, 2023

As a digital marketing marketer, here are the five most important things I would want a potential client to understand before creating a digital marketing strategy for them:

  1. The purpose of your campaign.

There are two situations in digital marketing, one is to launch branding, and the other is to launch with the acquisition, such as conversion, leads, purchase, download, and other behaviors. Branding’s digital marketing strategy is completely different from the acquisition. For example, the creatives of branding can embody the theme of digital campaigns more, and do more brand displays under the branding culture. Perhaps creatives do not need to show too many specific products but to better explain the concepts advocated by the brand, the image the branding wants to create, and the culture of the brand, etc. In this case, the display of the product itself can be weakened, but the concept of the brand and the audience’s feelings about the brand can be more prominent.

2. The size of your company.

As an agency marketer, it is unlikely that we always cooperate with customers with famous brands. There are many customers of startup companies whose brands are not well-known. For the startup branding, If they put a lot of budget on search marketing, they may not get the ROAS they want. The biggest reason is that the brand of the startup company may not be well-known, even if branding keywords are placed, there will not be much traffic. Therefore, in this case, it is very important to understand the size and brand awareness of the client company. A company with a well-known brand can spend more money on branding search ads, while a startup company does not have a well-known reputation, so it can be more inclined to put some general words. For example, Coca-Cola can spend more money in SEM to buy out Coke, Coca-Cola, and other brand words, because they are already well-known. But the startup brand Milky-milky can’t put a lot of branding keywords Milkly-milky, because people don’t know such a brand at all, so they will not search for it. This brand is also made up by me now, it is not true, hahaha. Just an example. Milk-milky should invest more in general words such as soft drinks and so on. Through people’s search for soft drinks, it can bring traffic to the official website of Milky-milky, or build brand awareness for Milky-milky.

3. The nature of the platform itself.

It is important to know that most customers cannot make marketing plans for every channel. Most customers will choose the most suitable platform according to the characteristics of their company’s products and brands, and focus on marketing. Let me give you an example. The best digital strategy channels for B2B companies are Linkedin and Facebook, which are relatively real-name platforms. For B2B, they need to find buyers, and they should not spend too much time and money on platforms with strong social attributes such as Instagram. In addition, it also depends on the portraits of active users of the platform. For example, Pinterest’s audience and demographics statistics show that 76.2% of Pinterest users are women. The biggest segment in Pinterest is women age 24–35. This also means that industries with a majority of female consumers such as beauty makeup and clothing can consider Pinterest as an important marketing channel. At the same time, due to the platform functions of Pinterest itself, users have very high requirements for image quality. (Because users choose the images they are interested in among a bunch of images.) Therefore, for customers who can produce high-quality creatives, if their main consumer groups are women, they can consider doing more marketing on Pinterest. In addition, whether it is an image or a video, it can clearly express the brand concept. So Pinterest is also a channel that can do brand marketing. But Pinterest is not the best marketing channel for New Holland. What is New Holland? This is a famous branding of tractors. Hahaha! Tractors are mostly sold to businesses. So it is not suitable for Pinterest. Additionally, even though individuals want to buy tractors, the possibility of females being interested in tractors is low.

4. The choice of creatives.

When a brand produces creatives that will be published online, we must clearly know whether the creatives are branding creatives or product creatives. The expressions of these two creatives are completely different. In addition, as I said before, Pinterest, as an image platform, has higher requirements for image quality than Facebook, a text + image platform. The same is true of Instagram, because of the size of the mobile phone screen, it is hard for these channels to put a lot of pictures into one glance. Additionally, people will always be attracted more quickly by images than text. Therefore, if you want to win the attention of users in a group of images, clients need to work harder to improve the image quality including creatives.

5. The business model of the company.

If it is a B2B company, the product we want to market is completely different from that of a B2C company, and the customer groups we are facing are also completely different. So the digital marketing channel chosen would be different. Therefore, the quality requirements of the creatives we can create are also different. B2B may pay more attention to the display of information functions on some official websites. Therefore, more time and money should be spent on providing information on the website.

Overall, it’s essential for the client to have a clear understanding of their business goals, the purpose of their campaign, the characteristics of digital channels, the size of companies, and the importance of creatives before creating a digital marketing strategy. This will ensure a well-informed approach and increase the chances of a successful digital marketing campaign.



Marketing in the Age of Digital

a Digital Marketing student in NYU, works on SEM & Paid Ads